Table of Contents

Principle 12 The Enemy GL PSYOP Platitudes __

P12 set 1: Call to Arms __

  1. __ The enemy has no principles, only Platitudes. Webster: ‘The quality or state of being dull or insipid.’
  2. __ Principle 6 explains how political factions are the work of the enemies of WTP.
  3. __ WTP must understand that WePEG is our weapon of mass destruction against Platitudes. WTP must defeat our enemies with our weapons of mass destruction, WePEG, and Liberty-Civics Populism.
  4. __ The enemy’s Platitudes listed in P12 set 2 are inspired by the book “On Tyranny” (Penguin Random House).
  5. __ WTP’s enemies cannot bring their Platitudes to the debate, so WTP must reveal them. The enemy has a death grip on them; it is all they have. Their problem is they cannot sell them. Everything they say is a lying GL PSYOP.
  6. __ Any objective person reading these Platitudes will see why political factions must be put on the scrap heap of history.
  7. __ There is no “correct mix” of wine and poison, and there is no correct mix of “bipartisan” either.

P12 set 2: The Enemy’s Platitudes, the GL PSYOP __

  1. __ The enemy’s will is substituted for reason. Their will is their reason, they have no Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in their Platitudes.
  2. __ The enemy substitutes the “glorious myth” for objective TRUTH.Freedom from fear through government” and “saving the planet” are glorious myths.
  3. __ Unity means conformance to the glorious myth, not Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  4. __ Equity means everyone accepts the lowest condition; it can never move anyone upward. One car goes 100mph, one goes 60 mph, and one goes 30 mph. Equity is 30 mph. Just ask Cuba and Venezuela.
  5. __ The enemy claims a monopoly on reason to guide society to a certain outcome, the glorious myth. All other points of view must be silenced because the enemy has no liberty-minded Principles to defend.
  6. __ The enemy’s power is often freely given to them by WTP for the glorious myth. That is the problem today.
  7. __ The enemy must destroy the institutions of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. The electoral college, separation of powers, and federalism are all a result of the Principles of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All that WTP must protect at all costs
  8. __ The enemy demands a one-party state by making political Life impossible for others. [It is so deplorable what is being done to very good WTP. All P45/47 did was make our USA great again, and for that, he must be destroyed. The enemy’s process is as sickening as the outcome.]
  9. __ The enemy does not have ethics; the glorious myth is worth achieving at all costs. WTP are declared evil by the enemy and WTP must be destroyed at all cost. [Ask yourself, WTP, are you evil and must be destroyed by our political factions?]
  10. __ The enemy does not allow anyone to stand up or stand out. Only the ruling class may speak. All mainstream media uses the same script with zero individual thought.
  11. __ The enemy controls language. Words have power. Using the enemy’s words is a symbol of submission along with silence.
  12. __ The enemy uses ‘exceptions’ to destroy limits to their power. That is the start of the oppression.
  13. __ The enemy turns exceptions into permanent emergencies to trade existing freedom for false future security.
  14. __ The enemy invokes terrorism and extremism to combat dissent. [Open your eyes, WTP.]

P12 set 3: The GL PSYOP __

  1. __ Gaslighting is now in WTP’s lexicon.
  2. __ APA Dictionary of Psychology, “Gaslighting once referred to manipulation so extreme as to induce mental illness or to justify the commitment of the gaslighted person to a psychiatric institution but is now used more generally.”
  3. __ “Now used more generally” includes used as a political weapon. A GL PSYOP is gaslighting a group of people, in our case, WTP, to believe up is down and down is up, i.e., being subjugated without Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is the best Life. That is no Life, it is gas-lighting.
  4. __ Our CIA is the perfector of the GL PSYOP strategy itself; it is a major weapon to create chaos in other countries to overthrow their governments. GL PSYOP weapons have now been turned on WTP by political factions.
  5. __ The GL PSYOP cannot succeed without a political faction and a complicit media broadcasting the gaslighting 24/7/365. It also cannot succeed with WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism.
  6. __ In our USA today, every major network but one, plus the legacy social media, are in on the gaslight. The quickest “tell” is that they all use the exact same phrases. That is impossible without a central source for the day’s message and a group in lockstep.
  7. __ WePEG prevents a political faction from whipping gaslight nonsense into legislation, while the GL PSYOP requires a political faction to succeed.
  8. __ Our Founders did not know GL PSYOPs, but they knew subjugation and tyranny. They never envisioned political factions turning against WTP or WTP letting them.
  9. __ WePEG also eliminates our representatives from speaking for science, Principle 11.
  10. __ WePEG fills our government with qualified representatives that defend the fabric of our society in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and do not fall for fools talking nonsense.
  11. __ The most despicable GL PSYOP is trying to convince WTP for political gain that our USA is systemically racist. That is provably false; it is destroying the fabric of our society and destroying our USA. Principle 13 addresses the racism weapon; the GL PSYOP itself needs to be addressed first.
  12. __ Our enemies can only go so far with the racism charge itself. To be effective, a positive action word must be applied to draw people in. That word is WOKE.
  13. __ Buy into the racism charge, become WOKE, and all is forgiven. Join the GL PSYOP and force more to engage or suffer and be punished.
  14. __ Notice the GL PSYOP does not allow a defense; WTP cannot just say we are not racist; we must become WOKE to escape punishment.
  15. __ The climate change weapon is also a GL PSYOP. What is the tell? No scientist ever speaks; only the gaslight team speaks.
  16. __ Science itself, justice, gender, education, food, history, and electric cars are all twisted, and the list goes on and on because gaslighting is an industry with unlimited funds to fabricate narratives, fake studies, and make chaos creating noise 24/7/365 through the media.
  17. __The goal of the GL PSYOP that political factions are running on WTP is to destroy virtually everything in WTP’s society from within.
  18. __ The GL PSYOP calls for all new truth, all new definitions, all new vocabulary, all new goals, all new order, all new history, and an all-new god, the government, the new giver of Life.
  19. __ Changing everything is the only way to be sure all good is destroyed, measured by the use of the all-new vocabulary.
  20. __ What is all the good? WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity. And the Creator Holy Bible God.
  21. __ The damage the GL PSYOP is causing to WTP and our USA must be recognized as fatal, all revealed in their tactics.
  22. __ Lies, malfeasance, deceit, and propaganda are the weapons used when a political faction is committed to accomplish something that cannot be defended in public debate. The political factions have perfected their political weapons with the help of unlimited amounts of money supplied in secret by the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity.
  23. __ An enemy nation or billionaire can fund millions of dollars to develop and perfect the lies and propaganda for the GL PSYOP with impunity. They escape scrutiny as an organization by not actually using their product themselves. They give it to their factions.
  24. __ Before the 2024 election, the umbrella of political faction activity and disclosure must be expanded to include the intellectual products bought and used in political campaigns, which should be reported as an “in kind” contribution if not bought. Speech writers and advisors should also be disclosed so we can see whose words we are really voting for.
  25. __ Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All-minded organizations generally broadcast their thinking to raise funding as non-profits, and right-principled candidates are quite proud of their founding Principles. There is no secret cabal for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, just those made to fear going public with their Platitude views.
  26. __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism is the backbone of the confidence needed to stand tall for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Believers have an additional strength that needs to be brought to bear in godly civics.
  27. __ In contrast, the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All work through lawyers to create a façade of attorney-client privilege to operate in secret. Transparency and sunlight are WTP’s only Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All-minded protections WTP have, and they must be demanded.
  28. __ WTP composed our DOI and explained exactly what our grievances were and why we had the Right to overthrow the British Empire as our government.
  29. __ What we are seeing is the political factions simply destroying everything our founding, our DOI, our DOI/COTUS, and the fabric of our society stands for that made our USA a “more perfect nation.”
  30. __ A simple question: what is the result of our political factions today? Chaos, lawlessness, scarcity, inflation, and misery. But most of all, control over everything WTP do in LLife.

P12 set 4: Progressivism __

  1. __ Progressivism is the label the enemy’s GL PSYOP hides under.
  2. __ Progressivism is the aristocratic, noble, superior self-image several senators and candidates exude in political factions as “better than the peasants who want Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.” One faction is all in: the Blue Faction.
  3. __ Progressivism marked the official launch of the GL PSYOP when introduced by P28 and it has metastasized to unthinkable levels today with enormous amounts of enemy money smelling victory.
  4. __ Progressivism is the enemy of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. It was created for the express purpose of defeating Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for the benefit of the ruling class. In other words, a more sophisticated form of Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto.
  5. __ Progressivism is a philosophy with zero foundation. It is simply an alternate form of government to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to defeat it. With no foundation, a GL PSYOP is all it must work with because it is a lie, “the glorious myth.”
  6. __ The Laws of Nature determine outcomes, not leaders or theories. Liberty is the Law of Nature that produces Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. P45/47 knew that and gave WTP Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. [The GL PSYOP defeated him in 2020, and P46’s handlers switched back to corrupt Progressivism and destroyed all prosperity in a year.]
  7. __ The evidence is overwhelming that if political factions are not put on the scrap heap of history, a new name for the next “Progressivism” will be coined and Marx and Engels will be back.
  8. __ Wikipedia describes it well enough, “Progressivism in the United States is a political philosophy and reform movement in the United States advocating for policies that are generally considered left-wing, left-wing populist, libertarian socialist, social democratic, and environmentalist.
  9. __ (cont.) In mainstream American politics, progressives generally advocate for a universal healthcare system, wage equity and labor rights, economic justice, social justice, opposition to the military-industrial complex, an increase in corporate regulation, the abolition of capital punishment, and action on climate change.”
  10. __ We will use a biblical example because there is no other example for the good side of WTP. When Israel’s Entrance Generation entered the Promised Land, they were told to destroy everyone there because the giants that inhabited it were the embodiment of evil, and if even a remnant was left, it would infect Israel forever. Israel did not do it, and we have the world we have today.
  11. __ WTP cannot make that mistake again and must destroy Progressivism with a massive flood of righteous ballots like never seen before.
  12. __ Our political faction representatives that will not embrace WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism must be voted out of our government in the next three elections. Senators elected last term should be looked at very closely for removal or resignation. Not one has shown a modicum of interest in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All; all 100% must be gone.
  13. __ There are Progressives in the RED PARTY now trying to hide. It is too late; they also need to be gone, along with the “bi-partisan proponents.”
  14. __ 2024 needs to be a scorched earth election by WTP; forget the wave.
  15. __ A very large percentage of our citizens have fallen for the Progressivism GL PSYOP and have turned against friends and family who understand the value of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  16. __ That is sad and why our strategy allows people to learn privately and figure it out for themselves with dignity.