
Liberty-civics and WePEG

LIFE and Liberty are one, and Liberty is nothing without meaning. Liberty is freedom from government restraint while our governments maintain security, safety, order, and infrastructure. “Libertarians” are a well-known and often correct political faction that goes nowhere because there is no centralized power or wealth in Liberty. That is the point of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all.

The Libertarians’ fatal flaw is operating in the political faction theatre of war where they have no chance. Had they worked against political factions, they would have had our DOI/COTUS and WTP’s support, as WePEG now demonstrates.

Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all are the only social organization templates in which everyone can be all they can or want to be. Self-actualization is the greatest gift of LIFE there is. And like muscles, the more lifting our governments do for us, the more our Liberty muscles atrophy. The more our governments take from us, the less WTP have. The more our governments restrict us, the more WTP atrophy.

Our responsibility as citizens is to keep our governments at the edge of “necessity” for security, safety, and order, and only those three. 

It is common to hear “a government interest” mentioned to justify its intrusion into an issue where it doesn’t belong.

Our governments have no interests nor lives of their own; ALL interests are WTP’s interests because WTP owns our governments. Hopefully, WTP will better understand with WePEG what a million souls died for so WTP can live in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all.

WePEG is not laws nor DOI/COTUS amendments. WePEG is a voluntary agreement between WTP and those who seek to represent WTP and earn WTP’s votes. Political factions are also a voluntary choice, but our representatives are loyal to their political faction, not WTP.

Liberty-Civics Populism with WePEG is nothing more than returning our USA to its founding, where our representatives are loyal to WTP and our “consent to govern” (DOI).

Any candidate not willing to score the WePEG principles and post it on their website cannot have WTP’s votes. It is that simple to end the destruction political factions have done to our “greatest nation on earth.”

Note: There is some repetition in the Principles for convenience.


WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing are owned by WTP because WTP own our government, not the other way around. “Our” is used often to drive home that point.

WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing are designed to direct our government in the direction of our founding Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all. And neutralize political faction power exercised at the expense of our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for all, i.e., outside our DOI/COTUS.

WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing condemn all political factions between WTP’s representatives and WTP as well as between WTP’s representatives and our governments. 

WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing are the enemy of Progressivism and all other communist and/or socialist ideologies invented for the sole purpose of subjugating WTP.

This site is the delivery system for WTP’s Principles of Effective Governing and nothing more to make it an easy referral for anyone. It is a work in progress because WTP are a work in progress.

The process for making our USA more perfect is already built in with COTUS amendments. That is the only option WTP can allow for change. Ideology has no place in WTP’s governments.

WePEG enumerates our DOI/COTUS, and everyone can play and reveal who they are.

WePEG is a challenge to WTP to think about what we really believe without confrontation and provide a new home in their civics. This will also give churches and believers a way to discuss civics without politics along with those who have given up on politics.

Suggestions on the Principles should be sent to input@pringov.org.