Table of Contents

Principle 10: Government __

P10 set 1: Purpose of Our Government __

  1. __ WTP’s federal government exists first for the purpose of maintaining a secure country so that WTP can pursue happiness in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  2. __ People talk about ‘government interests’ but it has none. All interests are WTP’s interest. Nothing should be done for the good of the government. It should by itself be excellent, efficient, and dedicated to serving WTP in everything it does and never for a political faction.
  3. __ Federal government’s second purpose is to do things only WTP’s federal government can do that serve WTP AND are cost-effective. Our federal highway system has a national security component and benefits commerce and travel in the forty-eight mainland states. The Hoover Dam generates power using a waterway that crosses several states. Selling the power crosses state lines but also competes with other sources of electricity. Therefore, governing Principles must be established to guide decision-making in accordance with the Laws of Nature, not political factions that can change every election.
  4. __ WTP’s society has three universal costs driven by the Laws of Nature: taxes, interest (the cost of capital), and energy. Everyone in the USA is impacted by those three cost components unless they live 100% with Mother Nature and never buy anything.
  5. __ It is mandatory for WTP to prosper that all three universal costs be driven as low as possible by our representatives in operating WTP’s government. That is why our representatives exist.
  6. __ The two main political factions have opposite views on all three. The Laws of Nature require all three to be as low as possible or negative outcomes result. And yet neither political faction supports what is proven to work because they want the argument for their theatre of war.
  7. __ WTP’s state governments, with the same bi-cameral structure designed to limit government power, exist to provide state security and orderly society for WTP in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Only the government by Principles, WePEG, in combination with Liberty-Civics Populism can accomplish the best outcomes for WTP.
  8. __ WTP’s governments are bureaucracies. They have no real-world experience, no intelligence, no skills, and they produce nothing useful without WTP. One exception, national defense, works because those in charge practice it every minute of every day without distraction. And even that has now been destroyed by political factions.
  9. __ P1 identified what departments were essential to WTP’s executive branch: foreign affairs, defense, treasury, and attorney general. Notice nothing touched how WTP live our lives in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Today, our society is much more complex, but everything our federal government does should never touch how WTP live our daily lives.
  10. __ WTP must also understand that 100% of our government is taken from WTP, both in money and time. The largest employer is our USA, which produces zero value to our economy because it starts by taking what it needs from WTP’s economy.
  11. __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism eliminate the government middlemen.
  12. __ Our government, in total, must practice every minute of every day, minimizing what it takes from WTP by being ruthless against mission creep, waste, obsolescence, and ineffectiveness.
  13. __ Our government is a “Fortune One” company [think Fortune 500] managed like a lemonade stand.
  14. __ No other organization in our USA is managed with no expressed Principles, purpose or goals.
  15. __ WTP’s DOI/COTUS was our stated Principle in its time and was enough until about 1900. P27 and P28 introduced a new theory of government called Progressivism, and the upward trajectory of our USA died. Progressivism is the exact opposite of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Please think long and hard about that.
  16. __ WTP now have over 100 years of history to study and realize Progressivism is just another name for the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and a total failure for WTP because it must fail.
  17. __ Anything WTP can do for ourselves should never be done by any government.
  18. __ Our USA government cannot do anything to improve WTP’s lives because it has no means or right to do so. If WTP need something, WTP will create it.
  19. __ Our USA has federal, state, county, and city levels of government. No level should duplicate another, starting from the city and going upward. Waste is the enemy of WTP. Local is the cheapest and easiest to supervise, and WTP must start there.
  20. __ The state of our Union today is that it is about to collapse from its own weight, incompetence, malfeasance, waste, and oppression, all created on purpose by the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, political factions.
  21. __ WTP must return to our founding, eviscerate our federal government, and work our way down.
  22. __ Our federal government has now proven it does little of value for WTP’s lives; it will not be missed.
  23. __ WePEG with Liberty-Civics Populism will render political factions and our enemy’s money obsolete, as the DOI/COTUS was meant to do with our “more perfect nation.”
  24. __ That will leave our representatives free to focus on security and order for WTP, which will then catapult our USA to unprecedented success.
  25. __ It must be understood that when a private business organization can partner with a political faction to pass legislation meant to benefit both, it is going to happen at the expense of WTP.
  26. __ The same is true when a political faction in our government can partner with a private service provider to impose power strategies on WTP that our DOI/COTUS forbids. It will happen at the expense of WTP.
  27. __ WTP’s protective options are massive inefficient oversight or neutering corrupt political factions from the beginning and replacing them with governance by WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism, which represents WTP’s best interest.
  28. __ The “good” in society cannot rise against a “bad” that wields government power. The good must get rid of the bad, i.e., political factions; that is the only option.
  29. __ When the bad (political factions) are removed, there is an enormous amount of energy released to WTP. Life will be the greatest ever because of the Laws of Nature, not ideologies that cannot work for WTP under any circumstances.
  30. __ In 1776, for the first time in history, men conspired to create Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for other people, not just for a ruling class.
  31. __ In Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, our government is meant to serve WTP for our Prosperity, and our representatives are meant to be part of our communities, with the communities’ interests as their priority.
  32. __ Political factions have destroyed everything our Founders died for.
  33. __ Enough people fought to the death to achieve Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for WTP. Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All were that valuable to those being oppressed by the government at the time, and it is still that valuable today.
  34. __ Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and government require a balance. Too much lawlessness and society breaks down. We are seeing that today and WTP must act.
  35. __ Too much government breaks down society. We are also seeing that today and WTP must act.
  36. __ The Laws of Nature require that our governments do the minimum needed to be efficiently effective, and most WTP must be responsible for our own lives by working for the Prosperity we wish to achieve. And help our neighbors who need a hand for a thriving society.
  37. __ WTP’s governments must always be a last resort in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for helping our neighbors, not the first. [WTP in Liberty are a generous people because obedient love is the heart of WTP in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. The Laws of Nature reward obedient love. When the government steps in above the minimum required, WTP lose because our government takes from WTP for everything it does.]
  38. __ Our government’s purpose starts with WTP’s Right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” That is not a side hustle; it is WTP’s supreme Right above our government.

P10 set 2: Our Republic __

  1. __ Our USA is a Constitutional Representative Republic.
  2. __ Our Constitutional Representative Republic is not a theory, it is the best possible design for balancing human nature, government, Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  3. __ There is no “right” mixture of wine and poison, nor Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, and political factions. Bipartisanship is fatal because the entropy of government is to infiltrate and be involved in every aspect of WTP’s lives. [That is like a drop of coloring in a glass of water; it will spread uniformly all by itself. It does not need to be stirred; that just speeds it up.]
  4. __ If WTP do nothing, the government must infiltrate our society, that is the Law of Nature. WTP must prevent that at all costs; that is another cost of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. The policies of the political factions must be defeated and kept defeated forever. WePEG with Liberty-Civics Populism is the only workable protection WTP have.
  5. __ WePEG with Liberty-Civics Populism will end political factions when adopted.
  6. __ “Republic” means WTP owns the ultimate authority over our governments. The DOI/COTUS stipulates a republic-type government in the states as well, but our political factions ignore that.
  7. __ “Representative” means WTP elect people to manage our federal, state, and local government, not look for things to do for them. The answers are still in WTP where the brains are; our representatives are supposed to find them, not make them up for personal gain. [WTP want to get in and out of the DMV in 30 minutes, not be told what to drive.]
  8. __ “Representative” also does not mean that WTP ignore what they do. WTP delegate our Right to consent to our representatives. They must now start working in public with full transparency. Only the light of day can cleanse malfeasance from WTP’s government.
  9. __ Our representatives and the rules they establish for themselves must adhere to WePEG to limit WTP’s delegated dissent. Not just because our representatives work for us but because WTP own them.
  10. __ Our government must be managed to minimize the use of WTP’s assets.
  11. __ “Constitutional” means there is a codified structure to our federal and state governments describing what our government can do and cannot do. Our political factions do whatever they want unless stopped. WePEG eliminates political faction power from our government.
  12. __ If it is not “enumerated,” our federal government cannot do it. Ignoring that has put our USA on the brink of collapse.
  13. __ State constitutions need to be reviewed individually and modified for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Political factions, the name our founders gave them, are discussed in a later set of principles. They are our Founder’s biggest and almost fatal mistake for our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, as WTP now see.
  14. __ Our federal government authority is divided into three branches to distribute power: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial with each able to affect each other.
  15. __ A bi-cameral legislature [two chambers] is in place to protect WTP and our entire USA, not just the smaller states. Protect from what? The tyranny of the majority and tyranny itself.
  16. __ The Electoral College is a form of bi-cameral theory applied to electing our POTUS.
  17. __ The Electoral College exists to protect WTP and our USA. Those who find it inconvenient want power over WTP. WTP already have our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All with the Electoral College.
  18. __ The Senate filibuster rule has the same purpose, to protect WTP’s and our USA’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  19. __ The filibuster itself has a Principle, “deeply divided issues should never be passed.” That Principle needs strengthened to limit government power.
  20. __ All 50-50 issues should never have a solution. Nothing that divided could possibly be good for WTP or our USA. Our Founders made a big mistake in giving the VP a tiebreaking vote in the Senate. That should be eliminated and given back to WTP to elect principled representatives, but it will take an amendment to our DOI/COTUS. Filling the chamber with principled representatives solves the problem in the short term.
  21. __ The combination of federal and state governments is another form of bicameral theory called Federalism. Federalism means the opposite of what is expected; it refers to the state’s powers, not the federal powers. Our Founders never envisioned the state surrendering to the federal government, and that was a big mistake.
  22. __ Any person who believes there is a better government system must first prove their case to WTP with history and experience, not demagoguery.
  23. __ The political factions must change the label of our government to a “democracy” to facilitate their tyranny because they must circumvent WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  24. __ The most unstable government system of all is a true democracy. How do we know? There has never been a successful one.
  25. __ WTP must drive the word “democracy” from our debate; it is not at all relevant but a very dangerous tool for political factions.

P10 set 3: Competence __

  1. __ When WTP are sick, we call a trained and experienced expert, a doctor. When our pipe leaks, WTP call a plumber. When our car breaks down, WTP call a mechanic.
  2. __ The reason WTP have a Constitutional Representative Republic is because it was designed so that our representatives would seek the experts within WTP to find the best solution to the subject at hand for WTP.
  3. __ WTP must elect representatives that are experienced in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, not bureaucracy and government. WTP get what we elect.
  4. __ WTP must demand our representatives never speak for the experts and never speak for any subject they are not licensed or experienced in.
  5. __ Sources of expertise must be cited the same as any other research is cited.
  6. __ WTP’s representatives must be elected based first on their WePEG scores and resumes of competence. That is the only election process where competent people will engage.

P10 Set 4: Statism __

  1. __ Statism is a new WePEG word for what scholars call Federalism, which is just the opposite of what the name implies. This section is just a small start of ideas to focus on pushing the government down from the federal level.
  2. __ WTP own four layers of government: federal, state, city, and county.
  3. __ The lowest form of government must always do all it can because WTP are closest to it.
  4. __ There must be zero redundancy between the layers. Education and Housing are two POTUS cabinet positions that must be eliminated as soon as possible.
  5. __ All federal police force interaction must be eliminated except for specific federal crimes, interstate crimes, and immigration.
  6. __ National security and interstate crime are the only justification for our FBI, ATF, and DOJ to be involved with WTP.
  7. __ Local possession of anything is a state issue because Life itself is a state issue with one exception enumerated in our DOI/COTUS, the right to bear arms. That should eliminate most state and local gun laws.
  8. __ A federal charge should never be added to a state crime. That is an excuse to empower a federal police force locally, and it must end.
  9. __ When a police officer injures an individual with malice, the officer is punished under state law. In recent examples, federal civil rights charges were filed in addition to the crime for no reason because the sentences must be served concurrently or they violate the “cruel and unusual punishment clause.” [What our DOJ is doing to parents and pro-Life enthusiasts today is unconscionable and the way to stop it is representatives that govern by WePEG.]
  10. __ A flat income tax discussed elsewhere eliminates the worst federal weapon of all, the IRS.

P10 set 5: Subsidy Produces More __

  1. __ This set is written to illustrate the importance of the Laws of Nature.
  2. __ “Subsidy produces more” is a Law of Nature. It is important because it condemns all government spending as a solution to any WTP individual problem.
  3. __ Subsidy produces more is the bedrock of Progressivism. For Progressives, it does not matter what the problem is; their solution is to throw money at it, e.g., subsidize it.
  4. __ Throwing money at a problem never solves it because it can’t. Progressives only need that one Law of Nature to wreak havoc. Their one goal, one strategy, and their one outcome is chaos! Therefore, the more problems they can create, the more money they can throw, and the more chaos they can create.
  5. __ Throwing money at problems makes them worse and anyone can do it. Small-town mayors can throw money. Unaccomplished ideologues can throw money. Even the mentally diminished can throw money. Why? Because subsidy must produce more of what is subsidized; it is a Law of Nature. And it is WTP’s money.
  6. __ Look at the homeless crisis. With $billions thrown at it, what do we have? An epidemic of it. A homeless person jumps for joy with a $20 tent and a place to pitch it. What is the Progressive solution, a $100,000 – $1 million house bought with money taken from WTP.
  7. __ Of course, rename the problem “the un-housed” first. Then, throw WTP’s money to the Progressive’s cronies, and fund crony non-profits for votes and more corruption. WTP even pay for Progressivism.
  8. __ Conservatives know this law but not as a Law of Nature, just as reality because conservatism is simply what works based on observation (research).
  9. __ Progressives know that label hurts them, so they must take out the messengers. Destroy good people who know what works but do not know why it works, i.e., it has to work because it is a Law of Nature. Destroy the people and they stop using the attack.
  10. __ WTP are where we are today because the political factions love throwing money at problems.
  11. __ WTP must remove ALL pollical-faction power because factions always serve their own self-interest, not WTP’s.
  12. __ P40 and P45 are the two most successful POTUS in our time. WTP exalted both as great POTUS people, not Principle-driven people. Both knew what worked from experience in their success. They governed by Principles they knew to be true. They just never codified their Principles, just like our Founders never did. Now WTP must codify WePEG to survive.
  13. __ Business does not solve a $100 problem with a $150 solution. Progressives like to overpay because they get more chaos. When a Progressive policy failure appears, their answer is always the same; they didn’t spend enough.
  14. __ Business keeps looking for an $80 max solution until it finds it because they start by analyzing the problem and the best way to solve it. Then they figure out what fixing the problem is worth. And then, after the cost-effective solution is found, someone gets a bonus for finding a $70 solution. And then, maybe a $60 solution. That is how Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All works and why the government doesn’t work for WTP when run by ideology.
  15. __ Our USA is a Fortune 1 company that P40 and P45 knew how to run for WTP, not for themselves and their supporters.
  16. __ Laws of Nature involving humans are group laws. They cannot tell us which human has the answer in a group until they reveal it. But someone in a couple hundred million adults will always have the best answer, and no one has all the answers, especially no one in government.
  17. __ When WTP’s voices are shut down and not allowed to speak, as WTP are seeing now, they shut down all the solutions, exactly what Progressives want. Then destroy the people, and all the good is lost.
  18. __ But the codified Principles cannot be destroyed, they live on for another competent person to step into with their commitment to the Principles. [Neither ideology nor factions can be tolerated by WTP. WePEG eliminates political faction power because political factions add nothing to WTP, just to themselves.]
  19. __ All WTP’s solutions are still out there looking for an ear from principled representatives. That is what our Founders created for WTP and then bet their lives on it.
  20. __ WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All depends on putting political factions on the scrap heap of history.