Table of Contents
Principle 11: Dismantling Government __
P11 set 1: Getting Started __
- __ The fruit of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is more Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Please understand that one reason our federal government was designed to do nothing for WTP’s daily lives is that our federal government can borrow and print money without restriction.
- __ A second reason was that our federal government was too distant from WTP’s needs, and the government’s one-size-fits-all approach does not work in WTP’s USA.
- __ Historically, our federal government borrowed to pay for wars to maintain WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and then the debts were paid.
- __ Thanks to political factions, WTP’s debt has skyrocketed since 1980. It is over $34 trillion today and continues to accelerate.
- __ A limited amount of money and a budget are the natural checks of the spending Laws of Nature.
- __ States and local governments cannot borrow or print money and must spend it within their means. States can sell bonds to spread large project costs over time but are typically still ratified by WTP.
- __ CA has been bankrupt for several years. Our political factions have subsidized CA and other states with federal grants, many of which have been secretly funded.
- __ The crash is coming; the only question now is, how hard? Liberty-Civics Populism can soften the landing before the 2024 election by scaring our representatives into compliance.
- __ Please understand that every dollar our government spends is taken from WTP and WTP have one dollar less to spend. Capital creates Prosperity, government cannot.
- __ Government spending is like taking a bucket of water out of the deep end of a pool, spilling 25% on the way to the shallow end, and pouring it in, expecting the shallow end to get deeper. That is stupid because the Laws of Nature keep it from happening. WTP know that is stupid, it is time we understood political factions are a stupid choice by WTP.
- __ WTP’s national debt is now over $34 trillion. 100% of the blame falls on political factions—not because they are incompetent but because they are corrupt in their own self-interest.
- __ The economic Laws of Nature are closing in on WTP and our USA is about to crash.
- __ Every job our government does takes a job from WTP with overhead added.
- __ P27 and P28 started the turn of WTP’s federal government into a leviathan of spending and programs supposedly for the good of WTP as determined by political factions. There are 100 years of experience to draw from, and it is time for a performance review.
- __ Business does a review every year with a board of directors, a group of highly competent and experienced people who guide the direction of the company.
- __ Political factions never once review how WTP are doing or act as a board of directors for WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Political factions review what is best for themselves and how to use WTP’s government for their faction’s and personal benefit.
- __ Our USA is a Fortune One company managed like a lemonade stand.
- __ Liberty-Civics Populism and WePEG are the only options to restore our USA to its founding for WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ The political faction middlemen are destroying WTP in their own self-interest, and WTP must put them on the scrap heap of history as soon as possible.
- __ What must happen in our federal and state governments is called a “turn-around,” an orderly transmission from the causes of certain failure to success and new opportunities in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ A turnaround will automatically transform state and local governments into effective organizations because they won’t have the money to waste or the votes to get elected. There is zero reason a government cannot be fiscally responsible for its outcomes.
- __ When a turnaround is started in a business, it becomes the job of every department to become more efficient, better prioritized, and do more for less, or the business goes under from its own weight.
- __ The direction our government is headed—away from Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All—toward unsustainable spending, malfeasance, chaos, and total subjugation must be stopped immediately by WTP.
- __ Liberty-Civics Populism guided by WePEG is the only strategy that turns WTP’s USA around quickly because the mortal wound is being inflicted by political factions in their theatre of war.
- __ WTP have enormous turnaround expertise to get the job done, especially P45/47 who started to do it and all WTP started to prosper again.
- __ Political factions destroyed P45/47’s presidency as they did with P40 and WTP’s lives started going backward again.
- __ The evidence is irrefutable for putting political factions on the scrapheap of history.
- __ A deep dive into the waste, duplication, obsolescence, corruption, malfeasance, and missing funds must be implemented immediately in every department of every level. Our estimate is that 50% of our federal and state budgets is wasted and every dollar wasted is taken from WTP.
- __ The one Cabinet department never added by any POTUS is the Department of Waste and Loss of WTP’s money. That department needs to be added ASAP with an expert staff in charge but until then, get the ball rolling with WTP’s help.
- __ Our USA government was never meant to be self-informed; it was meant to find the answers in WTP, the only place the answers exist.
- __ Our POTUS does have an Office of Budget Management but it’s job is to spend the money, not measure if anything performed as intended.
- __ Congress passed all the waste, duplication, obsolescence, corruption, and malfeasance as spending bills.
- __ Political factions in control of WTP’s governments will never stop the waste, duplication, obsolescence, corruption, and malfeasance with WTP’s money.
- __ A few Liberty minded representatives are trying but will not get very far without WTP with Liberty-Civics Populism choosing representatives for a large majority loyal to WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ WTP have numerous watch-dog agencies and other organizations committed to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. The entropy of our government will seek to sabotage WTP’s efforts with swamp slow walking in loyalty to political factions.
- __ WTP do not have to wait until the 2024 election, we can scare them now with Liberty-Civics Populism and WePEG.
- __ Congressional oversight committees must prioritize finding the money and measuring its effectiveness. That reveals the total failure of the so-called “conservative think tanks,” with millions of cu. ft. of thinking and writing put in storage instead of action. It was all for grant money flying under the banner of education. No one thought of converting it to Principles our government must stand on for WTP.
- __ Now is the time to go to work with Liberty-Civics Populism and WePEG.
P11 set 2: Avoiding Chaos __
- __ Reducing the size, cost, and power of our governments must be orderly.
- __ First, do no harm. Start with waste, malfeasance, and corruption. Government employee attrition is fairly high, and no new hires is an immediate start. Then, start firing the underperforming and unnecessary.
- __ Across-the-board budget cuts force each department to find waste. Automatic budget increases every year in government never even look for waste; they only create more waste.
- __ Our political factions tend to cut services instead of waste to shift the pain to WTP. Waste must be targeted, not services.
- __ Liberty wants WTP to all have Prosperity, and our representatives must work to minimize chaos and illustrate the benefits of transferring government responsibility to WTP everywhere they can.
- __ Chaos comes from lack of planning at best and political factions planning chaos at worst.
- __ Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All require goal and transition planning. The #1 online merchandise seller can have almost any of its 353 million products delivered overnight. That is planning, and WTP have all the brains. It is time our governments started using WTP’s brainpower.
P11 set 3: Planning __
- __ The only planning within our government is the military. Political factions do all the other planning but only to spend more—never for efficiency, efficacy, competence, or results.
- __ WTP are presented with a huge market opportunity in returning all the operations WTP can do back to WTP where the competence is and the money comes from.
- __ Massive corruption is made possible by political factions. Transparency and service to our communities are our representatives’ jobs, not a substitute for personal responsibility.
- __ WTP’s smaller more focused programs from numerous providers creating their own competitive environment are superior to the “one size fits all” nature of government programs.
- __ What WTP are looking for in our government is a search in WTP for the best for the most. The market forces of the Laws of Nature will kick in, and Prosperity will explode.
- __ Government contracts should not be used to buy studies for planning because they corrupt the studies.
- __ Anything WTP need will percolate up to our government. A new class of representatives that are accomplished people know where to look.
- __ Our political factions will do everything possible to stop WTP’s effort and must be rebuffed.
- __ Look at the billions of dollars spent on political factions. That money demands results at all costs. WTP have the power to demand better results at no cost, just check the right box on a ballot and watch it get counted. When political ads are seen as unwanted lies and propaganda, our media will no longer be flooded with them.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism eliminate the need for $billions spent on TV/radio electromagnetic waves now on their way to “galaxies far away.”
P11 set 4: Spending as a Weapon __
- __ There is an irony in a political faction using “fighting less spending” as a political weapon.
- __ Liberty-Civics Populism knows that WTP can do better than bloated, wasteful, and controlled programs and is inoculated against those who defend them with lies and personal destruction.
- __ The next level of shrinking our government has three program focal points: Social Security (SS), health insurance, and big-city non-profits. Blue City non-profits are stealth weapons against WTP.
- __ As in 1776, WTP are the only solution to an out-of-control federal government. Numerous representatives have seen the coming fiscal danger to our USA and WTP, but they only know how to sound the alarm because of political factions’ power against them. Nothing ever gets fixed; just pushed down the road without WTP 100% behind them.
- __ Entitlement spending is bankrupting our USA. Our political factions don’t care, the bureaucracy (swamp) doesn’t care, and those who do care don’t know what to do.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism knows what to do because WTP know all there is to know about everything.
- __ Social Security is a fraud and political malpractice– full stop.
- __ Our political factions know that and still fight against fixing it, using it as a political weapon of lies.
- __ The Affordable Care Act (AFC) was a death sentence for WTP and will again be in the hands of political factions. Never, ever, ever can WTP let our federal government hold the power of Life and health over WTP—full stop.
- __ COVID proved conclusively that government medicine cannot work with political factions because the needed competence and integrity are too broad. When that sinks in, the same is true for everything our federal government does for WTP except national defense.
- __ Local non-profit grants fly under the radar but are a huge weapon against WTP in Blue cities. An all-out effort is needed to change the hearts and minds of inner-city people to WePEG, the only government that can improve their lives. Step one is join the non-profits and work side by side.
- __ Our political factions, realizing they might lose their control and Families might get out of poverty with good policy, shut down opposition with cries of impending doom. They are right about the impending doom and wrong about the cause, political factions.
- __ Since our government lacks expertise, nothing gets fixed because no one makes the necessary arguments. WePEG is here to be the necessary arguments.
- __ Our government should never do things WTP can do better ourselves.
- __ Entitlements are complicated, and fixing them will require experts. Therefore, WTP need representatives who have WTP’s best interest in mind, not their own.
- __ WTP have the answers in WePEG, we just need the free exchange of ideas the political factions cannot allow.
P11 set 5: Social Security __
- __ Social Security (SS) costs almost $1 trillion/yr. and is destroying WTP’s USA.
- __ We mentioned above that SS is a fraud. That is because it is presented as a retirement plan with its own contributions and accounts. But SS keeps running out of money because it isn’t a retirement plan; it is just another tax-and-spend government program co-mingled with the general fund.
- __ No business would allow a program of that magnitude to become buried in a large bureaucracy of waste.
- __ Few subjects demonstrate the pathology of political faction government as well as SS; it is the perfect example to demonstrate how our government was designed to work with WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism.
- __ 100% of Congress knows SS is an out-of-control failed program. But when responsible representatives try to fix it, they are destroyed, not debated. Why is that? Because there is no way to fix it in our present political faction system. What was the fix proposed? Get rid of it. Why? Because it is all they know, and they can’t seek expertise.
- __ Liberty-Civics Populism shifts power from political factions to WTP, which has a vested interest in our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and wants the best program, not the political faction program.
- __ SS is now two programs, family welfare and retirement. The mission creep is unconscionable
- __ The family welfare portion must be shifted to the states where it belongs. That is quite easy to do. Our federal government has no enumerated power to provide personal welfare.
- __ The SS retirement plan needs to be shifted to the private retirement plan market.
- __ The depravity of SS is that compound interest and capital gain are part of all retirement plans. The multiplier effect over long periods of time is huge.
- __ Forty-five years ago, the Dow Jones Average was $800; today it is over $39,000. Thank you, political factions, for denying WTP that opportunity for gain.
- __ Taxes are taken from WTP for the express purpose of our retirement, but the funds are used for other people’s retirement today. That is the fraud.
- __ Social Security taxes a young Bill Jones to pay a retired old Tom Smith a minimum retirement wage. If Bill Jones made $30k/yr. and the SS taxes he paid were put in a Dow Jones Average retirement plan for 45 years with a capital gain; he could retire with $700k or more, and WTP would pay zero. That alone should turn people away from political factions.
- __ A low-income family could be lifted out of poverty with a proper retirement plan instead of a perpetual food bank plan. WTP can do better. In addition, the funds would be in the capital markets stimulating economic growth, not sucked into the treasury.
- __ SS is a failing government substitute for personal responsibility. There is a case to be made for forced responsibility with the SS tax, but it must be put into the best overall return, the long-term Dow Jones Average managed by the Laws of Nature, not individuals, which also incentivizes our representatives to stop damaging prosperity.
- __ The real problem is that today’s tax goes to pay today’s retiree. Shifting that to a retirement fund would cause a shortfall that needs to be made up from the general fund.
- __ WTP are going to find $2 trillion/yr. waste in federal spending.
- __ Congress must create a committee to meet with experts and fix the system once and for All.
- __ It will not be cheap because the damage is huge, but it must be done.
- __ Migrating SS to a true retirement plan must be a priority because the existing plan is such a poor use of funds that it cannot be tolerated.
P11 set 6: The Health Insurance Weapon __
- __ Eliminating the health insurance weapon is another opportunity for WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism to demonstrate how our federal government was designed to work.
- __ The principle of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is supreme and dictates that our federal government must never be allowed to control every aspect of our lives. There is nothing that cannot be controlled under the banner of healthcare.
- __ WTP must never allow the government to control our healthcare. The government’s intrusion into our lives is so great that it is not possible to have a benefit gain worth the risk.
- __ Our federal government has two health insurance programs, Medicare and the ACA. Medicare is managed by a private entity, which proves that our federal government lacks expertise.
- __ The political factions behind the ACA were not looking for insurance; they were looking for total control of WTP. It never made sense to not just expand Medicare. It still would have bankrupted our USA, but it would have been an easier fix.
- __ The federal subsidies for the ACA in 2022 are about $trillion. In 2032, the annual amount is projected to reach $1.6 trillion. That is the subsidies, not the total cost.
- __ Most of the terror of the original ACA has been removed, and it is now an insurance plan. But WTP were promised lower cost healthcare and got just the opposite. Costs have skyrocketed since ACA passed. Why? Because political factions know nothing about healthcare.
- __ Similar to retirement plans, health insurance companies use capital gains and compound interest; our government does not. Worse, the $trillion our government spends does not go through the capital markets.
- __ It is not enough to examine the total subsidy; the administration cost must also be examined. Our political factions have no interest in either cost. We do not even know how the administration cost compares to the private sector.
- __ The ACA was a dumpster fire from the start. Our political factions never cared how the healthcare industry worked when forcing the ACA through Congress. The ACA has all but destroyed medical privacy, a long-time principle of medicine. The COVID-19 vaccine finished the destruction of WTP’s medical privacy. The ACA was the ultimate weapon against WTP, and one political faction jumped on the opportunity with deceit and sleight of hand to pass it.
- __ As a side note, Congress must change budget reconciliation rules as soon as possible. Budget reconciliation must be limited to amounts for existing budget items. Any new spending programs must go through regular order, subject to filibuster. Any new bill that needs reconciliation to pass cannot be good for WTP but likely great for political factions.
- __ Everything wrong with political factions, the vengeful Senator that held the fate of the ACA in his hands, and our SCOTUS were on display.
- __ Our SCOTUS failed WTP because sending the bill back to Congress would do zero harm to WTP. Twisting into a legal pretzel to create a reason to uphold it would have destroyed our USA if WTP allowed it to continue as written. It is also an example of a bill being finished by the Executive branch in secret, which should never be allowed.
- __ We are not going to re-litigate the ACA; it must go because WTP must remove health insurance from our federal government to survive as a nation.
- __ The fact is, WTP have numerous alternatives in cost sharing plans, physician plan memberships, HMOs, etc. plus the historical health insurance providers.
- __ Healthcare was invented by WTP, making discoveries in science and investing capital.
- __ Private intellectual property is the driver of all healthcare advances and that has resulted in our USA having the most advanced healthcare in the world.
- __ Our federal government deciding what can be paid for with their insurance cannot possibly work and the system is corrupt because of political factions.
- __ The ACA also created a sea-change in business political behavior.
- __ Government providing healthcare insurance caused a paradigm shift in how business viewed politics.
- __ Historically, businesses supported lower taxes, which drove it to one political faction over the other.
- __ But healthcare benefits are a major employee cost of doing business, and the opportunity to shift that cost to the government was too good to ignore, so a major shift in support to the other political faction was activated. And now, companies are going out of business because that political faction ruins everything it touches.
- __ The downside of business health insurance in larger corporations is that they do not buy health insurance; they self-insure behind the façade of an administrator in the health insurance business.
- __ When employees leave a company, there is no actual insurance policy to go with them, and all incentives are against the former employee.
- __ If employees had their own policies, they would not lose their insurance if they lost their jobs.
- __ It may be more expensive, but it would be stable. If a business wants to use it as a recruitment tool, it can still do so by subsidizing the employee’s policy.
- __ Losing health insurance with a job loss was a selling point for the ACA. But the ACA is just selling subsidized insurance made artificially cheap in one column but raising taxes in the other. There are many ways to do that without going into the insurance business, but none are the right thing to do.
- __ The biggest lie promoting the Affordable Care Act was that the private sector was failing WTP by denying claims. The Medicare denial rate and the AFC denial rate are higher than the private rate, but political factions do not care and lied about it.
- __ Bureaucracy and competition are the reasons the government cannot compete fairly with the private sector in optimizing cost and benefit for the most. Only economic law can do that with WTP.
- __ Destroying our private health insurance system will destroy our USA.
- __ Selling the AFC to WTP touched on a third issue: pre-existing conditions. That is just an actuarial group; WTP wanted it, and the insurance industry adapted to it.
- __ Our government has a role as the voice of WTP. It does not have a role thinking for WTP.
- __ Healthcare is not a Right; it is not mentioned in WTP’s DOI nor our DOI/COTUS. The ACA was the ultimate Megaphone Right.
- __ Healthcare is a universal need across all WTP. It is second only to Life itself in the fabric of our society.
- __ Healthcare is an incentive to work to pay for it. Government healthcare accomplishes nothing but destroying the fabric of our society by weakening personal responsibility and healthcare.
- __ Healthcare is personal and private, the government has zero interest in our healthcare, only controlling WTP.
- __ It is inconceivable that our federal government can effectively manage such a massive individual need.
- __ States are getting into the health insurance business, and we leave that for another day, but the principles do not change. It will bankrupt states as well because the government ignores market forces, the Laws of Nature.
P11 set 7: Organization Weapons __
- __ The right to assemble is protected behavior, and organizations are part of the fabric of our society.
- __ But political factions, Labor Unions, and non-profit organizations have all been weaponized by political factions and deployed against WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ The important Principle is that no person or group has any right to petition our government for favor. The obvious corollary is that our government must never dispense favor either.
- __ Governments should never fund non-profits; there is too much danger of corruption. Cities commonly use grants to get around oversight. Non-profit funding is WTP’s job, and donors have oversight our government does not bother with because it serves their purpose: cheating.
- __ Humans are corruptible. They always have been and always will be until the end. WTP must not allow any organization to come between our representatives and WTP and between our government and our representatives.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism are the only answer for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ The second issue with organizations as weapons is when they become stealth centers of influence and money laundering. For example, foreign aid to countries like Haiti and Angola might have some returned to a House caucus. Or grants are given to non-profits owned by cronies. Almost zero attention is paid to where too much of WTP’s money goes because that serves political faction cheating.
- __ Government-funded non-profits and political faction donor-funded non-profits quickly become supporters of the hand that feeds them. That is especially true in Blue cities.
- __ When Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All-minded candidates want to campaign in major cities, they fall on deaf ears because politics is not part of the city ecosystem; service is.
- __ WePEG helps the city to function, just as a great Mayor did in NYC. But he got the credit instead of the Principles and it all left with him. Principles last forever. The same is true with P40 and P45/47. If we do not establish the Principles as the government P45/47 demonstrated, political factions will return because P45/47 will be gone in four years. WePEG must be his legacy.
- __ How many states are politically two states, the big Ble City and the rest of the state? Three large states, Golden, Empire, and Prairie, are two-state political centers that are dominated by the major city’s faction, not the capital.
- __ The crowd factor in cities limits liberty; people are used to giving up quite a bit of it.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism works in the city because it is about service and results. Candidates are chosen from the community because of their service, not their politics.
- __ The teacher’s unions have destroyed our education system and parenting rights and dumbed down our society. Education has its own set of Principles.
- __ The teacher’s unions have also covered our political faction representatives by implementing education policies outside their purview. This is analogous to labor unions influencing commerce.
- __ WTP must start with the local school boards but must also replace the union leadership.
- __ All public employee unions are Progressive and weaponized against WTP.
- __ Non-profit organizations too often fly under the radar. Large cities routinely give grant money to non-profits that provide services to the poor. And then they become propaganda centers and election workers for the Progressives and their faction.
- __ WePEG is the only solution to existing Blue Faction politics destroying WTP’s cities.