Table of Contents
Principle 13 Science GL PSYOP Weapons __
P13 set 1: Science __
- __ Science is the search and discovery of the Laws of Nature, the TRUTH.
- __ Airplanes are proof of the concept of TRUTH. The laws of physics and gases reveal a wing shape that, when moving forward at a certain speed, will cause our atmosphere to overpower gravity and lift a winged object off the ground. Nothing the government does can change that.
- __ The adaptation of science must be controlled by the free market. Government will never get it right because it has no purpose except for political factions’ gain.
- __ Cost-benefit analysis is how science advances, never by government subsidy or favor.
- __ Our Founders recognized the importance of science. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 says, “To promote the Progress of Science . . . by securing for limited Times to . . . Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
- __ The founders knew the free markets of discovery were the best way to bring the most benefits of science to WTP. That will never change.
- __ Our Founders made discoveries protected private property in our DOI/COTUS. Nowhere does our DOI/COTUS enumerate our federal government to do science for WTP.
- __ The Government has no interest in science except military defense. The government can never advance science better than the free market because it has no need. Our defense interest has produced numerous technologies that also benefit WTP. Because the defense had a need that justified the cost, WTP benefiting is secondary. From here on, the defense exception is understood to be an exception.
- __ No government department is qualified to seek scientific discovery, decide what needs scientific discovery, nor fund scientific discovery because it has no need, including medicine.
- __ The Government must never tip the scales on discovery because it will always be wrong. The lightbulb is the perfect example. Our government chose hazardous waste lightbulbs over incandescent lightbulbs, while LED technology alone made the government look stupid and corrupt.
- __ Government must never compete with the private sector in scientific discovery.
- __ The government has a conflict of interest in funding discovery in that a research organization will produce results based on the political faction with the checkbook. That has destroyed all credibility in the “Climate Change” movement because there is no real science.
- __ Science is advanced by scientists, never our representatives.
- __ If WTP are sick, we do not call our representative, we call a doctor.
- __ Should some element of science, such as pollution, rise to the level of government action, our representatives generally are not qualified to present scientific evidence. If they are, such as a few medical doctors, they can present their credentials, and WTP might listen.
- __ Our representatives must be restricted to introducing scientists to speak or present scientific writings and summaries for review. WTP should never listen to members of Congress speaking on subjects they do not know, which is most subjects.
- __ If our uncredentialed representatives are talking about science, they are lying because they do not know what they are talking about. If our government has no interest, why does a representative have an interest except for their own political faction agenda? WTP have never once clamored for our government to save us from “climate change.”
- __ Our representatives must never spend time helping one discovery gain an advantage over another. That leads to corruption.
- __ Four references follow to illustrate the idiocy of political faction science.
P13 set 2: Climate GL PSYOP Weapon __
- __ The climate GL PSYOP was launched in the 1970s with the cry of global cooling. Whoops. Then it changed to global warming. Whoops. Now, it is just climate change. That is like trying to influence ocean currents; it cannot be done.
- __ Volcanoes often explode massive amounts of ash and deadly gas. One place can be 120 degrees F and another -60 degrees F. Ocean and wind currents travel the world. Millions of plants and animals have been killed off by nature. The variations in the sun affect the Earth dramatically.
- __ The idea that our representatives have anything to say about our planet’s climate is absurd. If ever there was a subject that is beyond the influence of our Congress, it is the world’s climate.
- __ Since 1970, not a single credible scientific climate group has come forward to make the case and stand for review and critique with other experts. That is how science works, and government is not part of it.
- __ The earth will achieve the same temperature for All political factions.
- __ The use of this GL PSYOP to take political ground is fatal to America, as California demonstrates.
P13 set 3: Pollution __
- __ Pollution is a real issue that we can see and measure.
- __ Industry has a track record of serious destruction of our environment with pollution, as does our military. Billions of dollars are being spent cleaning up WTP’s sins of the past.
- __ WTP petition our government with our grievances, and corrective action is taken.
- __ WTP need clean air and water. All political factions breathe the same air and drink the same water.
- __ WTP have supported minimizing pollution in our environment, it is a simple concept with which we all can agree.
- __ Except for CO2. CO2 is not a pollutant– full stop. Our SCOTUS declaring CO2 a pollutant is enough to remove those who voted for it. [It is hard to imagine our SCOTUS declaring CO2 a pollutant, but they did. That is sick.]
P13 set 4: Solar, Wind, Nuclear power __
- __ Energy is a fundamental element of our economy and WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Prosperity demands that our government pursue the lowest possible cost of energy. Without Prosperity, WTP has no Liberty or society.
- __ Our governments must pursue a surplus of energy. Restricting energy restricts Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Our enemies are the only faction in favor of restricting energy as a means of controlling WTP.
- __ When a political party gets too far ahead of energy production technology and at the same time limits existing production technologies, the entire economy will be destroyed.
- __ When that happens, the rest of the world will continue to pollute – the exact opposite effect.
- __ A thriving economy is the only possible long-term solution to producing the capital required to develop the future energy solutions we need.
- __ Solar and wind have a serious limitation; electricity is difficult to store.
- __ Solar and wind are unreliable, intermittent energy sources.
- __ There is no study that shows that the produced energy with solar and wind is worth storing on a large scale.
- __ There are no circumstances in which our governments can justify politically favoring solar and wind.
- __ Nuclear power is the only clean [except for the heat] and unlimited energy technology found in Nature’s Laws to date. Radiation is scary, no question about it. And so is the rest of nature. Tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, floods, 7-year locusts, viruses, diseases, poisons, animals, snakes, sharks, vultures, etc.
- __ Nuclear power technology deserves a chance to be heard and considered in the context of cost-benefit.
- __ WTP must demand that the scientists speak for All technologies, not our representatives, with their own agendas.
- __ Our political factions’ total disdain for low-cost energy production is fatal to America.
P13 set 5: electric cars __
- __ Gov-CA has decreed only electric cars may be sold after 2035. States have republican forms of government; no governor has that power.
- __ Fossil fuel vehicles are Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. They can go anywhere, anytime.
- __ Electric cars connect WTP to the government grid.
- __ WTP must vote this nonsense out of office. Not just because it will destroy Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All but because it demonstrates the level of incompetence that our political factions must put lipstick on (lie, cheat, and steal) to succeed. That is a universal flaw of the Progressive’s ideology.]
- __ WTP are now seeing what a waste of treasure forcing EVs ahead of their time by our government was, just like the hazardous waste lightbulb.
- __ Some WTP want electric cars. That market must drive the availability of their products at what cost.
- __ Electric cars simply move their power needs to the electric grids.
- __ No cost-benefit analysis has been completed.
- __ No environmental gain has been demonstrated.
- __ No impact analysis on the power grid has been completed.
- __ No comparative analysis of the natural gas alternative has been completed.
- __ No analysis of battery Life, replacement cost, and disposal has been completed.
- __ No analysis of remote charging stations needed has been completed.
- __ No analysis of the productivity loss in charging downtime has been completed.
- __ There is no coherent analysis or plan to implement this technology.
- __ Electric cars are a megaphone technology.