
Principle 2: Election Process __

HAVA III A a (6) VOTING SYSTEM DEFINED: (D) to maintain and produce any audit trail information; and (2) the practices and associated documentation used— (A) to identify system components and versions of such components; (B) to test the system during its development and maintenance; (C) to maintain records of system errors and defects; (D) to determine specific system changes to be made to a system after the initial qualification of the system. WTP have the right to supervise everything mentioned in HAVA and demand compliance.

P2 set 1: Adjudicating Election Malfeasance __

  1. __ There is irrefutable proof that voter roll and counting algorithms now infect elections in almost all fifty states.
  2. __ The first problem is that abnormal behavior in a voter roll is discovered by statistical behavior.
  3. __ It is unclear that court cases establish what level of statistical abnormality in a voter roll becomes malfeasance beyond a reasonable or statistical doubt.
  4. __ First, the punishment for election malfeasance must be severe as a deterrent.
  5. __ The malfeasance today is so pervasive that a RICO case must be made against the group or political faction behind it.
  6. __ The only election where time is critical is our POTUS.
  7. __ Malfeasance cannot be rewarded when the clock runs out in a POTUS election. Preventing malfeasance and incompetence must be a top priority, but prosecution must also be included.
  8. __ WTP’s election process MUST be made as malfeasance-proof as possible ASAP.
  9. __ All other elections after POTUS can withstand a delay for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  10. __ Civil court is not the answer to certify a challenged election.
  11. __ If election malfeasance is alleged, it must be fully investigated and adjudicated independent of the official count and/or certification.
  12. __ Fraudulent players must not be allowed to run out a short clock and be rewarded for their malfeasance.
  13. __ If a seat absolutely must be filled by a certain date, the provisionally certified candidate may take office, and if the adjudication is decisive, the rightful electee must be installed (except for POTUS).
  14. __ The WePEG Election Integrity Principles make malfeasance much less likely and much easier to identify and prosecute.
  15. __ When there is probable cause for malfeasance, it must be fully investigated publicly as a civic duty, not a crime.
  16. __ If malfeasance is found, charges must be filed against the perpetrators, and the judicial system must be activated.
  17. __ Elections themselves have no right to a defense, there is only one side, WTP’s.
  18. __ The state Attorney General and the county ROV have zero standing, zero rights to secrecy, and must immediately investigate and submit anything requested by the alleged injured candidate that is relevant, with no exceptions, only necessary accommodation for voter privacy.
  19. __ What AZ and GA are doing to fight election investigations can never be allowed again.
  20. __ The greater cause is the correct election outcome, even if it denies the perp’s right to a fair trial down the road. It is that important, even if the perp cannot be prosecuted. But that should be unlikely.
  21. __ It is the political factions that claim a right to a defense because of the invasion they have made into WTP’s government, and they will do anything to keep their power. WTP cannot tolerate political faction malfeasance.
  22. __ The election outcome is the first goal of any election integrity investigation.
  23. __ Any criminal acts that may have occurred are independent of the election outcome.
  24. __ No Attorney General or ROV has any standing to interfere with an election malfeasance investigation; elections belong to WTP, not the state.
  25. __ Under no circumstances can a state or ROV slow-walk an election malfeasance investigation.
  26. __ If any individuals are accused of wrongdoing, they have their individual DOI/COTUS rights to self-incrimination, but the voting process has no right to any “defense.” If so, where does the right come from?
  27. __ Our DOI/COTUS requires our government to guarantee free and fair elections.
  28. __ Malfeasance in a POTUS election must be punished on par with treason; it is an attempt to overthrow WTP’s government.
  29. __ If a state does not guarantee a free and fair POTUS election, the punishment must be enormous to the perpetrators and any Attorney General or ROV that interferes with the investigation. That does not require an amendment to our DOI/COTUS.
  30. __ Election malfeasance cannot go unpunished just because the certification clock ran out.
  31. __ Investigations of malfeasance must continue, and if it is proven that a president was elected fraudulently, they could be impeached. However, severe sentencing deterrents are the easiest strategy unless an amendment is passed.
  32. __ Anyone interfering with the investigation must be fully prosecuted.
  33. __ Malfeasance must be made very difficult with the Principles of Election Integrity, competent ROVs, ballot chain of custody, full transparency, and malfeasance-proof equipment.
  34. __ In addition, if at the end of a fair jury trial with full discovery and disclosure, enough ballots are proven to have been manipulated, the certified candidate must give up the seat immediately, return the salary paid, and be replaced with the true winner (except for POTUS).
  35. __ Election lawsuits should not be heard by a judge. WTP on the jury are the only option because WTP own the election.

P2 set 2: Voter ID __

  1. __ Voter ID is mandatory for three reasons.
  2. __ Voter ID is necessary to enforce one ballot, one vote—full stop.
  3. __ Voter ID is necessary to help keep those not eligible from casting fraudulent votes.
  4. __ Voter ID empowers minorities to vote; every time it is added, their turnout increases.
  5. __ The integrity of our elections is more important than accommodating people too lazy to get an ID. [The Blue Faction arguments in Blue state courts that IDs are hard for minorities to obtain is absurd and derogatory. Never have they shown any data to back their claims, and Blue courts have gone along. And the Red Faction is silent, as usual.]
  6. __ All eligible citizens must have a DMV ID to receive a federal ballot, full stop.
  7. __ There are zero arguments against Voter ID except for political faction malfeasance.
  8. __ Voter ID and ballot serial numbers must replace signature checking.
  9. __ No human is qualified to decide if a voter signature is valid, especially when a touch screen is used with a fingertip to sign.
  10. __ Signature checking is time-consuming and an open door for malfeasance, the opposite of its intent. The less humans handle a ballot, the better.

P2 set 3: Ballots as Legal Tender __

  1. __ Ballots are the “currency” of elections and must be a “legal tender” type of document.
  2. __ Ballots must be legal tender for voting, one voter one ballot with a serial number.
  3. __ The serial number will make malfeasance very difficult by connecting the ballot to the voter.
  4. __ At present, once a ballot is separated from the envelope or voter, there is no way to reconnect it in a malfeasance claim.
  5. __ Election integrity is more important than total privacy on the ballot. Cast ballots are kept under private lock and key, and there is no way to scan them all to see how people voted. [Political registration is semi-public information and a high-percentage indication of a voter’s vote.]
  6. __ Duplicate or out-of-range serial numbers in the counting process would trigger a malfeasance investigation. The voters could be contacted without their ballot ever being seen by anyone else.
  7. __ WTP must demand that a ballot integrity process be implemented.
  8. __ All votes must be made on official material ballots. There are no circumstances where a free and fair election is possible with electronic ballots.
  9. __ Ballot paper must have embeds like money that validate its authenticity.
  10. __ Think of ballots as money. The Treasury Department protects money from counterfeiting and works diligently and continuously to protect it. Ballots must receive equal diligence.
  11. __ Every money bill has a serial number; every ballot must have a serial number, and its location must be tracked with a chain of custody. Without a serial number, any ballot can be counted.
  12. __ Ballot return envelopes must have a serial number linked to the receiving voter, and the ballot in it must be linked to the envelope by its serial number to be accessed in a malfeasance inquiry. Barcodes cannot be used because there is no way to validate that the reading is accurate.
  13. __ In a malfeasance inquiry, voters must be able to verify their ballot. Voter privacy does not transcend system integrity. Either way, it is WTP’s decision and must be demanded.

P2 set 4: Chain of Custody __

  1. __ Election Integrity requires a strict chain of custody in handling ballot paper, unvoted ballots, and voted ballots.
  2. __ Handling ballots without supervision and a full chain of custody must be a major crime punishable by a severe punishment.
  3. __ Personal possession of ballots without oversight must be a major crime with a huge punishment.
  4. __ Chain of custody requires recorded numbered seals on all containers, and the workers must witness and sign off on all movements. WTP must also supervise it all.
  5. __ Two witnesses must watch all container openings, handlings, closings, re-tagging with new seals, and record updates.
  6. __ With a chain of custody, there are no circumstances in which “found ballots” can happen after an election.
  7. __ It is a common Blue State process that ballot harvesting does not require chain of custody. That must be changed before the November Election.

P2 set 5: Mailing Out Ballots __

  1. __ Election Integrity MUST have priority over convenience when convenience creates Election Malfeasance.
  2. __ Chain of custody is only possible if citizens request their ballot to be mailed to a committed expecting receiver with a valid address.
  3. __ Homeless people registering with a cross-street or general mail drop are not acceptable for mailing a ballot. If there is no private mailing address, people must vote in person with ID.
  4. __ The officials creating the mailing data file and everyone between them and the file must certify under penalty of perjury and malfeasance that the data is the official data and nothing but.
  5. __ Every ballot must have a serial number connected to the voter. The mail house does this easily as part of the stuffing and addressing process. Since no votes have been cast yet, there is no voting to see.

P2 set 6: Ballot Return Envelopes __

  1. __ Most ballots are returned in the official “return envelope” signed by the voter.
  2. __ ALL return envelope handling must have a chain of custody certification and witnesses.
  3. __ It is impossible to maintain a chain of custody with return USPS mail; they cannot watch all the handling. Rural areas may need exceptions, but they are minor.
  4. __ It is too easy to add large numbers of fraudulent ballots to the mailing return system.
  5. __ If returned by another person than the voter, the voter must sign the envelope. Ballot Harvesting has further information below.
  6. __ When unsigned return envelopes are received, they must be held separately and put through a serial number reader or other process that only records the envelope as received and the ballot spoiled. The envelope is never opened.
  7. __ The unsigned ballot return may not be corrected; it is dead. The voter can be contacted and given the option to vote in person or be sent a replacement ballot.
  8. __ Under no circumstances can unsigned envelope ballots be counted; it must be against the law.
  9. __ This highlights that poll watchers must also watch the envelope opening and ballot counting.
  10. __ Some ROVs track ballot mail out and return it online, allowing voters to obtain a provisional replacement ballot if the ballot does not arrive. However, the ROV must not cure unsigned ballot envelopes returned to it.
  11. __ Many counties use a different ballot for the vote center scanner and the mail-in ballot, which is ridiculous. It wastes 20% of the mailed ballots on average and creates 20% more possible fraudulent votes.
  12. __ All voters receiving a mail-in ballot must destroy it if they have not voted. If the ballot is passed to another person, the serial number will not match.

P2 set 7: Vote Centers __

  1. __ The historical method of handling elections was precinct groups sized to finish a count on election night, and voters visited their local precinct centers to vote. Precinct groups were staffed by community volunteers. Election Malfeasance was rampant in precincts until prevention methods were applied, especially the chain of custody for everything.
  2. __ The only reason for county-wide voting centers is to connect the voter roll to the Internet, where it can be manipulated for malfeasance.
  3. __ The “precinct vote center” system supporters assume only honest workers will work in them. History has proven that the precinct system can also be full of malfeasance.
  4. __ Vote centers must use sealed official ballot and transport containers, and poll watchers must watch all ballot and container handling and log sheet signing.
  5. __ So-called “found” ballots in a recount are absurd. That is not possible with a full chain of custody.
  6. __ Ballots in a vote center with scanners should fall into sealed receptacles under the scanner tagged with a serial number. Two people count the number of ballots, put them in serial numbered collection bags, and sign the affidavit of the count. ROVs must maintain the collection bags until the next election.
  7. __ Two people in separate autos deliver the ballots to the collection center, one with the ballots and one to follow to the drop. Vote center workers must log every ballot movement.

P2 set 8: Drop Boxes __

  1. __ Ballot harvesters must not use drop boxes. All harvested ballots must be delivered to the ROV with a chain of custody.
  2. __ Only family members signed on the envelope may drop ballots for someone in Drop Boxes.
  3. __ With drop boxes, 24/7 surveillance is mandatory for one person, one ballot.
  4. __ Drop box placement must be non-partisan with an official map for review.
  5. __ Chain of custody with watchers applies to emptying all drop boxes.
  6. __ If ballots are “found” outside the chain of custody, the ROV must contact the voters to verify their ballots and where they voted. Then, the ROV must investigate the people who mishandled the ballots.

P2 set 9: Voting Periods __

  1. __ Long periods only benefit malfeasance, never WTP. It is more difficult to inject large quantities of fraudulent votes in a short voting period.
  2. __ There is no reason voting cannot be convenient, but too long a period creates a huge burden on integrity. Large-scale malfeasance takes time to mask it as normal patterns. Malfeasance is the only reason for long voting periods.
  3. __ Election day in November for All was established by Congress in 1845 and is more of a deadline than a day.
  4. __ It was passed for the same reason results are not announced until the Pacific Time Zone is finished voting; early outcomes made public affect future voting.
  5. __ The population of our USA is now orders of magnitude larger, and long lines at polling places on election day can be inconvenient and suppress voting.
  6. __ Too much can happen over a long period of time in an election that is important to voters. Prudent voters wait until near the deadline; malfeasance voters vote early.
  7. __ One week seems just right, two weeks seems maybe, and anything over that has no defensible purpose.

P2 set 10: Counting Ballots __

  1. __ The fewer humans involved in ballot counting, the better.
  2. __ One hundred percent of existing voting machines violate federal election law and cannot be legally certified. That is a problem.
  3. __ All representatives and ROVs who brought the existing voting and counting machines for WTP’s elections nationwide and those who support them today should be in jail for treason. They are trying to overthrow WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and rule WTP.
  4. __ Banks have paper money counting machines that are super accurate and lightning fast. Why? Because they have a vested interest in rapid, accurate counts.
  5. __ Every protection needed for ballot counters to be accurate is blocked by our representatives in Blue states and counties. That is a prima facia case that their vested interest is voter malfeasance.
  6. __ Honest counting machines are more accessible than validating thousands of precinct workers.
  7. __ Honest counting machines only require being made honest, dumb, and transparent. Keep in mind that only political factions need dishonest voting machines.
  8. __ Today’s machines are designed for malfeasance. The proof is in their secrecy.
  9. __ No proprietary software can be allowed in counting machines, that is already federal law and violated by 100% of the machines used.
  10. __ The mere idea of proprietary software that cannot be examined for malfeasance is absurd and must be removed immediately.
  11. __ Counting scanners must be free of intelligence except for reading the ballot, saving the data to a built-in drive, a removable drive, and printing paper reports. The original data must be retained for four years.
  12. __ A set of test ballots must authenticate the scanner’s counting before, after, and periodically.
  13. __ All ballots must remain in their original transport containers until the end of the holding period.
  14. __ Reporting the results must be watched and verified, malfeasance-proofed, and disconnected from the internet.
  15. __ The idea of ANY interference with supervising the counting is evidence of malfeasance—full stop.
  16. __ The bottom line is that the only way to get free and fair counting in elections is for WTP to overwhelm the malfeasance system. Everything starts there.

P2 set 11: Vote Harvesting __

  1. __ Vote harvesters must be given official containers to maintain a chain of custody.
  2. __ The voter or a designated person are the only people who should handle a completed ballot prior to delivery to the ROV.
  3. __ Ballot envelopes submitted by designated people must have the declaration signed on them and be kept separate from the first transfer location in case future malfeasance is alleged.
  4. __ Polling places have signs that prohibit electioneering within 100 ft of a polling place. When a person is filling in their ballot, that is a “polling place” wherever it is.
  5. __ Strangers going into senior centers, hospitals, government housing, etc., also known as voter harvesting, make it easy to troll for people who have not voted and influence them to vote a certain way in the presence of an electioneer. That is technically already illegal in many places, but it needs to be codified more strongly.
  6. __ Electioneering in harvesting must be codified as illegal with a stiff penalty. Electioneering itself is a First Amendment right, but handling the voted ballot is not; harvesting must be separated from electioneering.
  7. __ If harvesting must be tolerated, it must only be pick-up and delivery with a chain of custody and it must include poll watchers and be strictly a delivery service.
  8. __ In addition, harvesters must be registered and trained in the applicable electioneering law like all poll workers, notify the registrar where they are going and when, and wait for a poll watcher to accompany them.
  9. __ The entire harvesting process must be watchable.
  10. __ Harvesters must deliver ballots directly to the ROV to be put in a tagged receiving container with a signed affidavit of the harvester witnessed by the poll watcher certifying where the ballots are from, that the ballots in the envelopes are the original, and no electioneering took place.

P2 set 12: Election Process Watchers __

  1. __ Poll Watchers must be replaced with “Election Process Watchers.” The point is that everything must be watched, not just counting.
  2. __ WTP have the right and must exercise it, to view everything ROVs do with voter rolls, ballots, and information.
  3. __ Elections must be transparent, inspected, and watched every step of the way, not just the in-person voting and counting process.
  4. __ With minimalist secure ballot scanners and voter ID, there isn’t much to watch in counting except opening envelopes and feeding the machines.
  5. __ With a chain of custody, all the links of the chains must be watched.
  6. __ Most malfeasance occurs in four places: counterfeit voters and ballots, feeding ballots more than once, and counting scanner algorithms that change the count inside the scanner.
  7. __ The Principles enumerated make it very difficult to commit malfeasance in an election.
  8. __ At some point, incompetent ROV management must become criminal negligence.
  9. __ WePEG eliminates most of our election problems.
  10. __ Poll watchers never catch most of the malfeasance because it happens before the counting.
  11. __ “Watcher strategies” have not caught up with the changes in election procedure, so it is up to WTP to create all of them before the 2024 election.
  12. __ A cash register with 100 bills but 20 are counterfeit will have 100 bills every count if the counterfeits are not removed with an audit. That is the heart of the problem.