Table of Contents

Principle 14 Anti-Life GL PSYOP __

P14 set 1: The Taking Life GL PSYOP __

  1. __ Our DOI holds our Life and codifies WTP’s Right to Life.
  2. __ This set covers the justifiable taking of Life and the political faction abortion GL PSYOP.
  3. __ Our DOI states that we are created equal, not born equal. [The fastest decline of our society started when our SCOTUS devalued sentient Life in Roe under the pressure made by a political faction that has used it as a political weapon ever since. Not for the value of Life but for political faction power. Our SCOTUS recently corrected their mistakes with Dodd; now, WTP must get the political factions out of the way so WTP can solve the issue in our states.]
  4. __ Society allows for the justifiable taking of Life in cases such as accidents and self-defense, and it mitigates punishment with levels of criminal intent and negligence.
  5. __ It is critical to society that WTP resolve Life-taking issues in favor of the value and sanctity of sentient Life itself. No other option is sustainable.
  6. __ WTP must debate all Life-taking issues in the context of justifiable exceptions to WTP’s Right to sentient Life, not the definition of when it begins. We cannot have different meanings of Life based on circumstances.
  7. __ The voluntary ending of a sentient Life in old age does not have a billion-dollar industry promoting it (yet); only political factions working to devalue Life push the taking of Life at will.
  8. __ Dragging all WTP into social issues as a political weapon that does not directly affect most WTP’s lives is destroying our society.
  9. __ Everyone is created equal under the law and entitled to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” from when created. The key word is “created.” Mankind is created with the RIGHT to Life.
  10. __ Standing for Life is the essence of humanity. Without it, there is no Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  11. __ That is sufficient justification to stand for Life as a society; it does not require the Holy Bible God, only a moral sense of humanity and the value of Life to everyone is required.
  12. __ Societies that value Life thrive; those that do not become enslaved by their government.
  13. __ When Life is cheap, governments control it with impunity.
  14. __ The right of WTP to take a Life in the name of justice is not in our DOI/COTUS, and therefore, WTP’s federal government has nothing to say about it– full stop.
  15. __ WTP and our states own the right to take Life in the name of justice. And only in the name of justice. No other Life taking can be justified with our DOI.
  16. __ WTP express our views on taking Life at the state ballot box and only at the state ballot box. Our federal government has no standing in taking Life in justice without an amendment to our DOI/COTUS. Our government ignores that obstacle, but that does not make it legal.
  17. __ Treason is the only enumerated Right of our federal government to take Life– full stop.
  18. __ All “taking Life” issues must be debated in the context of justifiable exceptions to the Right to Life, not in different definitions of when Life begins for a select group: pregnant women.
  19. __ Different definitions of life, based on circumstances, desires, and convenience, do not equal justice.
  20. __ “Life begins at conception” (creation) is the only definition that will work for All situations.
  21. __ The “group” called “pregnant women” cannot have its own definition of the Right to take Life because groups cannot have special Rights, only privileges. All pro-abortion laws are privileges.
  22. __ As a matter of biology (science), a fetus is not part of a woman’s body, no matter how many times people repeat it– full stop. A fetus has its own DNA from both the mother and the father– full stop. That is science. [That is one of many “big lies” of the abortion industry.]
  23. __ The umbilical cord, nursing, and the baby spoon are different stages of the same thing: feeding a child that cannot feed itself.
  24. __ The beginning of Life and when Life gains the protection of our DOI/COTUS are two different questions.
  25. __ Life must gain the protection of our DOI/COTUS at conception; other options fail equal justice.
  26. __ Our government and taking Life intersect in two main areas outside of criminal justice: abortion and suffering in old age or illness. The value of Life is the same in all circumstances.
  27. __ The End of Life for old age and sickness does not have a billion-dollar industry promoting it yet, but that is on the way. The difference in old age is that adults decide their own Lives.
  28. __ It is critical to WTP’s society that we resolve these issues in favor of the value and sanctity of Life itself, or someday it will be used against anyone.
  29. __ Personal responsibility is an integral component of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, and taking another person’s Life as a solution to the gross irresponsibility of getting pregnant when not wanted is unconscionable.
  30. __ WTP must demand that WTP craft the solutions to Life-taking issues; the court must be a last resort and very cautious to intervene in favor of taking Life.
  31. __ Society must seek the end of causing unwanted pregnancy, not killing children. Addiction is solved by abstinence. Unwanted pregnancy is solved by eliminating the step meant for reproduction and that must be an integral part of the activity. That is such a small price to pay to sanctify Life.
  32. __ WTP must put political factions in favor of killing children on the scrap heap of history because it is otherwise the end of our society. [Fundraising for killing children should be unthinkable. Profiting from killing children should be unthinkable. Yet, it is the ultimate right demanded by a political faction.]
  33. __ Political factions are interested in ending Life; it is the ultimate weapon of control and ruling.
  34. __ The ultimate victory for political factions is to convince people that Life has little value at the beginning and the end. Then, they continue toward the middle until they set the value for All Life based on whether it is with them or against them. That is the ultimate control of people.
  35. __ The Right to take sentient Life in the name of justice is not in our DOI/COTUS, and therefore our federal government cannot do it. But political factions have circumvented WTP’s DOI/COTUS protections. WTP only share that right with our states. That is the greatest argument that our DOI/COTUS keeps our federal government completely out of WTP’s individual lives.
  36. __ WTP allow for the justifiable taking of Life as punishment for heinous crimes in some states and not others. Abortion must be decided the same. WTP in each state vote for how we want our state society to be, one that values Life or one that doesn’t. [States that devalue Life are failing everywhere].
  37. __ WTP mitigate punishment in such cases as accidents, self-defense, levels of criminal intent, and negligence.
  38. __ WTP control the value of Life in society and WTP are failing badly to maintain its value.
  39. __ The high value of Life is the best position for WTP to maintain a society worth living in.
  40. __ Standing for Life is a moral imperative for non-believers who value Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
  41. __ There is zero justice in killing a fetus. It is done for convenience only.
  42. __ Rape is the exception because it is an invasion against a persons will. Incest without rape is a dubious exception but incest is already illegal in every state; prosecute that.
  43. __ WTP in each state, holding the right to Life in our hands, can legally decide that the convenience of killing a fetus outweighs the damage done by killing it and that is an impossible bar to clear.
  44. __ Even if “legal,” killing a fetus without any conscience being triggered is a very bad message for society. Dehumanizing the fetus is just the beginning. And WTP can see how those states are doing in terms of quality of Life overall.
  45. __ It is critical to society that we resolve Life taking issues in favor of the value and sanctity of Life itself.
  46. __ Pro-Life is a poor choice of words. “Pro” connotes there is another side worthy of recognition, “Con-Life.” The phrase, “Protecting Life” acknowledges there is an enemy and a duty to protect Life.
  47. __ Religious arguments are not required to stand for Life, only one’s moral humanity.
  48. __ The debate is about Life or death, there is no neutral position.
  49. __ Being Pro-Choice is hiding from the debate in a position of neutrality. Pro-Choice people are not neutral about their own lives, and too many take that position in fear of political repercussions. That is sick and condemning to political factions– full stop.

P14 set 2: Unwanted Pregnancies __

  1. __ The abortion debate is unresolved because it is a political faction weapon.
  2. __ It is one faction’s highest priority to devalue Life, and the other faction is flummoxed by the GL PSYOP of a “woman’s right to choose to murder” because they have no Principles to stand on.
  3. __ The principled debate features the simplicity of not getting pregnant. The debate should be about sex with or without intercourse, not birth or killing the fruit of carelessness. That is the sickness of political factions.
  4. __ Conceiving an unwanted child is not responsible behavior, and society cannot condone it.
  5. __ Giving irresponsible behavior more weight than Life itself destroys a society.
  6. __ There was an enormous effort put into advertising against smoking cigarettes. It is time to do the same to quit making unwanted babies.
  7. __ The Life cycle begins in a woman’s body, and both men and women have a responsibility to prevent an unwanted pregnancy with orders of magnitude greater priority than a momentary pleasure.
  8. __ Sperm is not a virus women catch randomly; men must inject it inside the woman.
  9. __ Progressives diminishing the value of Life to be lower than a roll in the sack is a society on the verge of collapse.
  10. __ Studies show that 100% of all pregnancies are caused by men injecting sperm into a woman, so men must be the cause of unwanted pregnancy.
  11. __ If a person shoots someone with a gun, the person is held responsible. If a man shoots sperm instead of bullets at a woman and creates an unwanted Life, that man must be held responsible. The burden cannot be placed fully on the woman.
  12. __ At present, men have no standing in the fate of the Life they created, and that is totally wrong. If the Life is taken to birth, child support laws exist. If Life is ended, there is a strong case to be made that men should pay a penalty as well. Let’s start the debate with a $10,000 fine for men creating unwanted pregnancies. It would be easy to enforce with DNA.
  13. __ Typically, unmarried men and women engaging in sexual intercourse are not doing it to create Life; they are doing it for momentary pleasure. When that goes wrong, an enormous burden on the woman and our society can result.
  14. __ There are numerous ways to have sexual pleasure besides sexual intercourse; there is no excuse for creating unwanted Life– full stop. Men: just keep their sperm at home.
  15. __ WTP must speak for Life as the abortion industry can buy a political voice; the unborn cannot.
  16. __ For the sake of humanity, the political influence of the abortion industry must be eliminated.
  17. __ The inability of political factions to find a single ethical issue, not even one, should send a chill.
  18. __ The damage to society from an extreme political position against abortion or for it is far greater than the perceived benefit. Evidence is overwhelming that outlawing abortion does not eliminate abortion.
  19. __ But until not getting pregnant accidentally is the norm, we will not have a functional society.
  20. __ Politic factions have failed us by using Life issues to take political ground rather than achieving solutions for the good of society.
  21. __The society of WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism our Founders created will draw on its moral humanity to reduce abortion dramatically.
  22. __ Abortion does not need God to make it wrong and immoral; the damage to the adults and our society that killing Life causes is sufficient cause to mobilize WTP to eradicate 99.9% of abortions by not getting pregnant.
  23. __ WTP have reached the point where a signed consent form before unmarried couples do sexual intercourse is needed to make sure the side effects of unwanted pregnancy are understood.
  24. __ Alcohol, passion, and promiscuity are major contributors to unwanted pregnancies.
  25. __ A consent form might be analogous to the waiting period to purchase a gun. Sperm control will save millions more lives than gun control.
  26. __ The consent form would also help in “he said, she said” rape cases.

P14 set 3: Intimacy and Children __

  1. __ Discussing sexual intimacy is one of the most important conversations parents have with their children.
  2. __ Intimacy is a moral issue that only parents can teach.
  3. __ Government has no morals; they are inanimate.
  4. __ Sex education biology is the only teaching public schools should be allowed to give, and WTP must take back the territory beyond biology immediately.
  5. __ Women have a 95% chance of a middle-class Life by graduating from high school and waiting to get married before having a baby.
  6. __ “Do not get pregnant” out of wedlock is the single most effective anti-poverty program there is.
  7. __ Getting pregnant has huge consequences, and the message has to be as strong as possible.
  8. __ “Don’t get pregnant” has to be the lesson; birth control mechanics are not enough.
  9. __ Depending on sex education in school to prevent pregnancy is a wrong-headed enterprise. The school has no moral authority, only biological and technical facts.
  10. __ Teaching sex education in our schools beyond biology weakens the parent-child relationship.
  11. __ If parents believe the school is doing it, the parents do not, but the school has a weak message and, with political factions, a dangerous message.
  12. __ Our political factions have devalued sexual intimacy to animal status. That is a moral issue for WTP, not our government, and that is no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy.

P14 set 4: Woman’s Healthcare __

  1. __ There is an ironic and self-defeating argument in the political factions’ masking the taking of Life in abortion as “women’s healthcare.”
  2. __ Healthcare has very high standards of care, ethics, government regulations, and reporting. Its oath is, “First, do no harm.”
  3. __ Virtually everything the healthcare industry treats starts with preventive efforts to avoid the need for treatment. When obesity is a problem, we go on a diet. When pregnancy is unwanted, people need to go on a “no intercourse” diet.
  4. __ There is little political faction influence involved in managing true healthcare facilities.
  5. __ As a society, we do not sell body parts, and our blood supply is managed as a non-political entity.
  6. __ The abortion industry makes massive profits from people’s most difficult moments with zero burden of any typical healthcare regulations. The profits then go to political factions to ensure more profits.
  7. __ If abortion was actually healthcare, a serious effort would be launched to reduce abortions by orders of magnitude because there are serious repercussions that are rarely reported.
  8. __ Facilitating adoption would have a natural ally in healthcare.
  9. __ But the number one abortion provider has a $Billion revenue and is exempt from the normal restrictions placed on healthcare facilities, especially in reporting deaths and undesired outcomes. It is common to transport an abortion fatality to a hospital, and the death is recorded there.
  10. __ But that is not enough. Our representatives receive campaign support, and in return, our representatives pass subsidies of WTP’s money back to the number one abortion provider, usually masked through a middle non-profit.
  11. __ The political influence the number one provider can buy is a disgrace to humanity and a huge ethical dilemma. Especially if abortion were healthcare.
  12. __ What is especially insidious is using large profits to grow market share and promote abortion by encouraging women to make a decision many suffer for the rest of their lives.
  13. __ Bribing politicians to grow the scope of what is legal and controlling sex education in our schools to suppress the ethical message of not getting pregnant is morally repugnant.

P14 set 5: The Dodd Decision __

  1. __ Abortion is the number one “megaphone right.” It is virtually without standing in our DOI or DOI/COTUS.
  2. __ The problem with taking moral issues to court is that a judge’s decision always produces a winner and a loser and never provides the win/win outcome our legislative process is designed to produce for the most WTP.
  3. __ SCOTUS case 410 U.S. 113 (1973) was such a poorly written decision that if written by a legislature, it would be tossed by the SCOTUS as vague and ambiguous.
  4. __ SCOTUS case 410 U.S. 113 (1973) was about the propriety of abortion in the case of rape – a strongly supported position to justify an exception even though adoption is the best answer. How the court leaped from that case to adding words to our DOI/COTUS is still in dire need of understanding.
  5. __ Overturning SCOTUS case 410 U.S. 113 (1973) only returned abortion to the states where WTP have a say and much abortion is already legal. Even crushing the head of a nine-month-old baby is available in some states. It is hard to imagine anyone being that callous, but a society that condones it is going to cease to be a society.
  6. __ Not just because of abortion but because the depravity ruins everything.

P14 set 6: Child Gender Weapon __

  1. __ This issue is a form of taking Life and defines the sickness of today’s political factions.
  2. __ And it ends their right to exist as the last straw on its own.
  3. __ Gender-affirming drugs and surgery in minors is “crossing the Rubicon.” It is an act of war.
  4. __ There are no circumstances whatsoever where a surgeon’s scalpel nor a drug can ever touch a minor’s organs related to changing their sex, regardless of a parent’s decision.
  5. __ To even suggest it is ok to do so behind a parent’s back disqualifies political factions from existing in the public square.
  6. __ That issue is an irreparable child abuse.
  7. __ The question is, what law stops it? Laws are not the answer. WTP must stand up in such numbers that nothing like that ever happens again.
  8. __ No one ever dreamed of that level of depravity until political factions used it as a GL PSYOP strategy.
  9. __ That movement moved too far too fast to be anything but an enemy invasion.
  10. __ One hundred percent of that effort is driven by political factions to destroy our family unit and our society.
  11. __ Parents in WTP first failed when they allowed public schools to teach sex education beyond biology. That was the camel’s nose under the tent.
  12. __ Sexual intimacy is the most important discussion a parent and a child can have.
  13. __ Only the moral code of the Family can shape it for the child. Now it’s gone completely.
  14. __ The lack of transparency in the gender weapon identifies it as a weapon.
  15. __ Nothing more needs to be said; political factions need to be abolished and replaced with WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism.