Table of Contents
Principle 5 The Sovereignty of WTP __
P5 set 1: WTP’s Ownership __
- __ WTP own our society and our governments in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, paid for with WTP’s blood, not by our government. That is unique in world history and a priceless treasure WTP must value or lose it.
- __ WTP’s DOI defined the justification and reason for our War for Independence: Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ WTP’s DOI said the following to start the quest for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.“ WTP broke the band with King George with our DOI.
- __ Then, our founders defined the governing Principles, our COTUS, for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in a nation with a protective shell around thirteen sovereign states.
- __ The Founding debate was between state and federal power because the states were sovereign nations that formed a pact to go to war. Our DOI says “the united States,” not “the United States.”
- __ In 1787, our Founders, with WTP’s vote to ratify, delivered our new government’s band with WTP: our DOI/COTUS with nothing in between it and WTP, especially not political factions.
- __ Political factions were not allowed anywhere in that debate because our Founders knew they were a force of division. [That lasted for one POTUS, P1, because political factions have a First Amendment right to speak, assemble, and petition grievances.]
- __ Powerful people or factions assembling against our DOI/COTUS must be a form of treason—full stop. All changes must come from amendments, and all interpretations must start with Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in our DOI. That is the bedrock of our USA.
- __ Forty-six presidents later, it is time to dissolve the bands with political factions and restore WTP’s society to its founding without them because they have evolved from being the internal enemies of WTP to the Trojan Horses of all the worldwide external enemies of our USA.
- __ Our Founders never envisioned the world as it is today and failed to build in protections against political factions that are about to finally destroy our USA if WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism do not win the 2024 election in a total landslide victory.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism builds on the protections for the same Constitutional Representative Republic that made our USA the greatest nation on earth.
- __ With that restoration, our USA will leap to the greatest Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All ever seen! [Principles 9-12 present the enemies of WTP committed to preventing that.]
- __ In Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, the big Venn circle is WTP, and our government is a small circle inside the WTP circle. That is unique in the world and, therefore, easy to miss.
- __ Our political factions have drawn their own Venn circle and, put our government inside their circle, and then put WTP inside their government circle. That is the nature of those seeking to rule societies.
- __ WePEG and Liberty-Civics Populism define WTP and Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for the first time beyond just the Right to Liberty. WePEG moves the debate out of the political factions’ theatre of war into WTP’s WMD, Principles, and TRUTH, where political factions have no results.
- __ All the benefits of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in our society and all the damage done by political factions in our government are ignored today by our media. [Unfortunately, our Founders took it for granted that our DOI/COTUS was sufficient, and in the time, it probably was. But the world changed, and the destructive “-isms” developed, especially Progressivism in political factions, destroying our USA today.]
- __ WTP are smarter and better than any of our governments. What WTP refer to as “the private sector” is in fact all WTP. Our government is the “sector” and part of WTP’s societal fabric. WTP must burn that concept into our hearts.
- __ WTP have hearts and minds; our government does not. It is an inhuman bureaucracy.
- __ WTP must never put an inhuman bureaucracy in charge of our Lives.
- __ There is nothing WTP cannot do better and cheaper in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All than the government can except defense, maintaining order, and infrastructure. That defines the amount of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All that WTP concede to our government.
- __ WTP have millions of brains, the very smartest, most experienced, and most accomplished people.
- __ Our government has only the few brains we elect and hire. There is no comparison.
- __ WTP must elect only those representatives that are skilled at Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, never skilled at bureaucracy and never with an ulterior motive against WTP, such as our political factions.
- __ WTP must never allow our voice, with ALL the answers to every issue, to be weakened, ignored, or suppressed.
- __ WTP’s experts, experience, research, wisdom, etc., are where our representatives are meant to find all needed answers.
- __ Somewhere in WTP, the best answer will always rise to the top through research, experience, or trial and error. [The COVID debacle is the perfect example. An enormity of benefit was disclosed by doctors and researchers outside our government, but it was all totally silenced and threatened with punishment for the sole gain of the political faction rulers. Never again!]
- __ WTP must have a set of Principles around which to unite as a society. These Principles must be above our codified law and universally define WTP as Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Representatives making law must have a larger structure that defines our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to fit laws into and agree to that structure in a sworn oath.
- __ WePEG and our DOI/COTUS are the complete structure they must swear to earn WTP’s votes. It does not take a law or an amendment; Liberty-Civics Populism with WePEG is the answer; just do it.
- __ WTP’s governing principles must be in WTP’s and our representatives’ hearts; laws are not enough.
- __ Principles must be measurable and repeatable, not ideologies or theories that must fail WTP.
- __ WTP must be unbending in our commitment to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and reject as a society all the fringe issues tearing our USA apart by political factions to weaken and destroy WTP.
- __ Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All require a society that wants it and wants to do the right thing most of the time. Otherwise, government law enforcement becomes oppressive and allows the enemy of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to take ownership.
- __ WTP’s question is, who oversees WePEG for posterity? The answer is that the Laws of Nature reveal what works. When anyone has an addition from research and can prove it, the WePEG board can add it to WePEG.
- __ WePEG must always be owned by WTP, along with our DOI/COTUS, never our government.
P5 set 2: The Principle of TRUTH __
- __ TRUTH is the heart of Principles and the Laws of Nature.
- __ The Principle of TRUTH is that our entire system of government, elections, hiring, confirmation, and serving MUST make TRUTH to be sacrosanct (i.e., so true as to be immune from criticism or violation).
- __ Our Founders created our USA and died for the Principle of “we hold these truths to be self-evident,” declared in our DOI. That is why our DOI must be coupled to our DOI/COTUS and WePEG.
- __ The failure to protect TRUTH is a huge Founders’ mistake. Without the TRUTH in government and debate, WTP have nothing.
- __ Our Founders assumed TRUTH was an integral part of the fabric of our society, and WTP would demand it in our representatives. One faction has eviscerated the TRUTH in their GL PSYOPS.
- __ Had our Founders known political factions could silence the TRUTH, they would have built-in protections for the TRUTH in our government and our civics.
- __ The First Amendment exists to protect political speech. But it was meant for dissent and alternate viewpoints, not malfeasance, libel, and slander.
- __ Lying for political gain must have a prohibitive cost because great loss results from it, both monetarily and civically.
- __ No one should be allowed to intentionally lie or “manage the truth loosely” in our government, in seeking office, or in our free press. The stakes are too high; there must be consequences.
- __ Political faction power is the main reason to lie to WTP. Add WePEG and remove the protections, goals, and financing of lying, and there isn’t much left to make pervasive lying to WTP worth it or electable.
- __ Fraud, slander, and libel are illegal except in our civics, thanks to our SCOTUS giving away WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in the name of Liberty. [It is the lack of TRUTH based Principles that allows our SCOTUS to make the bad decisions they make. Principles like TRUTH and Life must be amended to our DOI/COTUS.]
- __ Candidates must agree to WePEG to get our vote. WTP do not need a DOI/COTUS amendment. If WTP ignore political factions and WTP’s candidates begin doing the right thing voluntarily for WTP’s votes, political factions are neutered. All it takes is WTP to shun political factions.
- __ Honest debate is making each side’s case, not telling lies and demonizing WTP.
- __ Transparency and Principles are the only sure and practical strategy to enforce TRUTH in our government. Principle 6 set 5: Government Transparency further explains the Principles of transparency.
- __ Another big mistake of our Founders was the failure to anticipate a monopoly press biased against our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. The free press was an integral part of the victory over the British. [What was missed was that they did it for their own power, not WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, as seen today.]
- __ Had the Founders known, they would have built in protections for the TRUTH, starting with the credible verification of stories printed. That used to be the norm in the free press. Today, unsubstantiated false leaks and false rumors are the mainstream press norm. [Since today’s mainstream press are propaganda machines of the Progressives, WTP must do our own verification of stories and start rejecting outright all forms of corrupt legacy media.]
- __ If the press does not validate a story, WTP must ignore it, like “hearsay” in court.
- __ The greatest media GL PSYOP is the emotional claims that lovers of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All are evil. In the Progressive GL PSYOP, fighting evil has no limits on what it can ”morally” do.
- __ So WTP, are we evil? If not, vote the accusers out of office.
P5 set 3: The Principle of Speech __
- __ Speech includes verbal and written expression.
- __ Life, Liberty, and Prosperity for All is not possible without untethered speech in society.
- __ The First Amendment of our DOI/COTUS, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech . . .” No government can abridge freedom of speech and have Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ That said, LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness require most people to be respectful to each other. Parents and Family are the first teachers and responders.
- __ The right to speak does not include any right to be heard. That is where everyone goes wrong. The “trial with a jury of our peers” and “petitioning our grievances” are the only enumerated rights to be heard.
- __ All issues against speech must be centered on actual damage, never words. Contrary to what is often said, the classic “yelling fire in a crowded theatre” is protected speech. It is the civil damage that results, if any, that is actionable.
- __ Threats are not damage; they can be warnings that must be protected, but repetition causing fear becomes civil damage as harassment and should be subject to civil damages and restraint by WTP.
- __ Offensive speech is part of Life and too personal to manage with the law; it must be protected, but repetition after notice can be harassment, subject to civil damage and restraint.
- __ Vulgarity must be protected, but causing a disturbance with vulgarity is civil damages and restraint. For example, driving patrons out of a store with vulgarity is civil damage.
- __ If a speech is restrained, violations of restraint are eligible for being taken into custody or fined.
- __ Censorship of any kind by WTP’s government can never be allowed.
- __ WTP are responsible for the fabric of our society.
- __ The arts and media self-censor and give warnings because of WTP’s market pressures.
- __ Protesting is a First Amendment Right, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble . . .” If permits are required for All group activities in a city or county, permit requirements are also applied to assemblies for protest.
P5 set 4: Swearing an Oath __
- __ ALL civics speech must include upfront an oath when filing for election, swearing the same as in legal testimony, “I promise to tell the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, subject to the punishment of fraud, slander, and libel laws.” That is the point of WePEG: if candidates want our vote, they pledge to the TRUTH.
- __ Every elected office includes an oath of office that typically references upholding our DOI/COTUS. But none of the oaths include telling the TRUTH. It is interesting that Congress can lie to WTP, but WTP cannot lie to them.
- __ The principles of the TRUTH must be scored a 10 by our representatives and candidates, and if not upheld in their service, they must, at a minimum, not be re-elected.
- __ Political speech has no more right to be heard than any other speech, and all damage caused by political speech must be subject to civil damages and restraint.
- __ If WTP are damaged by malfeasance and lies, it must be actionable by removal from office under the body’s rules.
- __ All candidates, representatives, and department heads must swear an oath of TRUTH to WTP and each other with punishment as a consequence.
- __ The oath would specifically apply to the politics of personal destruction. Malicious lies against an opposing candidate must not be tolerated. Elections should be decided on Principles first, then experience, and then character. Principled and experienced people usually have good character and will step up in a principled election process.
- __ No NGO should be allowed to modify, edit, or restrict sworn political speech and maintain any First Amendment right as a press or news organization, full stop.
- __ Disparaging private citizen political groups with lies must be a class action lawsuit. Dissension must be expressed in the context of Principles and evidence—full stop.
- __ The rhetoric of political debate has been allowed to falsely demonize WTP as evil, who love Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. [WTP must stand up and end it with action, Principles, and votes as our duty enumerated in our DOI. WTP used it in 1776, and it is time to use it today for the same reasons.]
- __ Defending Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity, Life itself, and traditions that have served WTP well are to be applauded, and WTP must stand up and act, not just “be heard.”
- __ WTP are all there is to get it done when our representatives are loyal to political factions and do not care. It is essential that WTP reject the labels of racist, bigot, intolerant, etc., as weapons of political debate. [That is a GL PSYOP weapon of the Progressives discussed in their own principles section. It never results in a more functional society, just more division, which is their goal.]
- __ The politics of personal destruction must be punished severely.
- __ It should be easy to see that a WePEG government and society eliminates almost all the nonsense political factions bring into our society and elections.
P5 set 5: the GL PSYOP of Power and Corruption __
- __ Political factions attract corrupt people seeking power. It is a Law of Nature. The privacy and secrecy of political factions make it too easy for corruption to prosper in our governments.
- __ WePEG is the only strategy that makes power and corruption very difficult without interfering with “WTP’s business” and Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Liberty-Civics Populism with WePEG is the only strategy that can drive money, the fuel of corruption and power, out of elections and out of our government. Political factions have no power without WTP’s money.
- __ All but three of our representatives (POTUS and two federal offices) live with and have offices in their districts with their constituents.
- __ In our modern communication age, there is no need for our representatives to be in the capital except for hearings. Their job is to operate our governments for WTP, not spend all day dreaming up new programs and satisfying lobbyists. (If lobbyists must work in fifty states, it will slow them down. If they have WTP watching, that will really slow them down. New ideas should percolate up from district experience, not political faction power strategies from lobbyists.)
- __ With political factions neutered and all representatives homogenized in WePEG, their WePEG scores, resumes, and positions in the community are all that is needed to choose a representative and evaluate their service after.
- __ When WTP sends representatives to our governments, they must be the community’s choice, not a political faction’s choice. With political factions neutered, representatives have no choice but to serve their community.
- __ The principles of transparency easily handle a government contractor bribing their way into a contract. So far, we have discussed simple corruption.
- __ The problem WTP face today is the GL PSYOP of lies coming at WTP like drinking from a fire hose. WTP are completely overwhelmed by the GL PSYOP being fueled by a political faction.
- __ The GL PSYOP would have no effect if the Principle of TRUTH was established in the Fabric of our Society.
- __ WePEG is the only hope for defeating the GL PSYOP for perpetuity because It codifies the whole truth for all to see for the first time and gives WTP the weapons of confidence and oversight.
- __ Our USA was founded on the Principle of TRUTH being self-evident. And yet we now live in an age defined by a self-defeating Progressive argument, “there is no such thing as TRUTH.” If that is TRUE, it must be FALSE. That is the problem: Progressivism cannot be true.
- __ TRUTH is a Law of Nature that cannot be broken without negative consequences. Nothing good can be built on a lie, and yet the entire strategy of one faction’s GL PSYOP is a lie so big, repeated so often, that too many good people start to believe it. [The GL PSYOP has been perfected beyond even WTP’s wildest dreams. Our Founders never saw that coming.]
- __ The GL PSYOP has several Principle sections to finish presenting its damage because it has infiltrated every institution of WTP’s society, including the church. (The enemy is relentless.)
- __ The Principle that “the lowest level of government that can do the work must do the work” is not just about efficiency. With political factions neutered, the more local our government works, the more difficult it is to be corrupted from the top down by the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ The problem is that too much of WTP’s money goes to the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and their cronies, and then some comes back to the political factions. [Has anyone ever tracked foreign aid to Haiti and Angola to see some coming back to political factions? Has anyone ever tracked foreign aid anywhere? Has anyone ever tracked any expenditure after it was handed over? You get the picture.]
P5 set 6: Education __
- __ Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the basic subjects every citizen needs to function in society. Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is a mandatory governing structure and history for the security of WTP’s USA. That is the point where government interest in education ends, and parenting picks it up from there—full stop.
- __ Education is an integral part of the fabric of our society. It is about learning, not indoctrinating.
- __ It is beyond comprehension that a federal Department of Education has any right whatsoever to be involved in a process that never even crosses county lines and is not mentioned in our DOI/COTUS.
- __ Federal spending is the Trojan Horse for education and so many other local organizations.
- __ If the federal government has zero enumerated rights to be involved in anything directly related to WTP’s lives, how can it have the right to spend taxpayer money in the education arena? Please think hard about that.
- __ Education is the perfect example of what the federal government cannot do but does anyway because WTP just let it happen, and now it is weaponized against WTP.
- __ Our federal government has one and only one contribution to make to education: sponsoring a conference every summer that brings representatives from all fifty states together to share ideas.
- __ Our federal government invades our schools with WTP’s money to get around WTP’s DOI/COTUS. It takes our money in taxes and gives it back to states with strings for education and zero oversight of where it goes or what it does. WTP must stop that immediately, and the Department of Education (DOEd) must end ASAP, except for an event director for the summer conference.
- __ The Department of Education has almost destroyed our USA by itself. It cannot be allowed to live and is a measure of our representative’s commitment to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Education has now been weaponized against Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All by one faction.
- __ The massive amounts of WTP’s money poured into education have made education worse, not better, because the money went to expanding the role of the schools to propaganda for parenting, politics, and food banks, not education results. Federal mission creep is fatal to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ A massive bureaucracy has been created, which has destroyed local control and parental involvement.
- __ The Federal education bureaucracy stifles initiative from principals and teachers, the experts who would otherwise lead the way in their community.
- __ WTP must re-take control of education at the state and local levels.
- __ Private schools teach better for less because they have no political agenda and only teach useful information.
- __ Charter schools are a distraction designed to look like progress is happening. We already know what works from private schools, so charter schools are a waste. Fix the public schools.
- __ Vouchers are a major step forward, letting the market work for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in education.
- __ If a state is afraid of vouchers, it is afraid of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ It is critical that WTP break up the education bureaucracy and end the DOEd.
- __ That is a big challenge, but WTP start with the school boards and PTA’s and work our way up. It will not take long for bureaucratic thinking to surrender.
- __ Teachers unions have no right to interfere in school instruction, which must end immediately.
- __ Teachers unions influencing school budgets are analogous in business to unions bribing company officials for higher union benefits. With political factions out of government, they will be out of education. Public school teachers are public employees. Negotiations between unions and businesses are constrained by market forces and competition, which public schools do not have.
P5 set 7: Immigration __
- __ With a declining birth rate, immigration is an essential part of our USA’s future. Our USA economy has depended on a growing birth rate since its founding; new people means new customers.
- __ The political faction GL PSYOP has played a major role in reducing our USA birth rate to help gain control of WTP. Manufacturers adapted to fewer new customers by changing designs from rugged to a declared usage Life, and new technologies filled the gap with new products to sell.
- __ Fewer people places enormous pressure on WTP’s economy, and a declining population is unsustainable.
- __ The Principle of Immigration must be to strengthen WTP’s “more perfect nation”—full stop. [Welfare-based immigration promoted by one faction will destroy our USA as it already has.]
- __ Substituting an immigrant for a citizen doing a job does not accomplish that. Immigration must be modulated for both our WTP’s needs and the desired growth rate. The growth rate can allow for some competition between immigrants and citizens for jobs because competition is healthy. But destroying WTP is not acceptable.
- __ Political sanctuary immigration must be for leaders of Liberty in oppressed countries—full stop.
- __ Humanitarian immigration does not work. Humanitarian efforts should be included in foreign aid for a purpose, not to import poverty. [Our political factions mask their intent with humanitarian emotions while destroying WTP’s society.]
- __ A person’s destiny starts with their birth nation, and most of the world is oppressed. There is no strategy to cure that within our USA borders. It is actually absurd, and more “why” political factions must be put on the scrap heap of history. They prevent all solutions that WTP can achieve.
- __ Unskilled labor is the beginning of most resumes, paying for college, and extra income. [The concept that WTP won’t do labor is part of the GL PSYOP against our USA.]
- __ Legal immigration is taught allegiance to our USA. The Principles of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All must also be taught, accepted, and demonstrated to be allowed to live in our USA. Living in our USA must be for WTP’s “more perfect nation.” [Our political factions teach remaining in poverty.]
- __ WePEG with Liberty-Civics Populism will solve the immigration issues almost overnight because the answers are obvious. They do not happen because of political factions.
- __ What the Progressives in our political factions are doing to our USA with open borders is fatal to our USA because it is accomplished in chaos and secrecy. Terrorists, cured diseases, criminals, drugs, etc., all cross our borders every day, and political factions want us to believe WTP vote for that self-destruction.
P5 set 8: Immigration Reform __
- __ There is no such thing as “comprehensive Immigration reform.”
- __ There are three separate issues that need three separate solutions: Illegals in the country, stopping illegal entry, and teaching immigrants the principles of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Not one penny can go to any immigrant not here legally and working toward Prosperity.
- __ Too many WTP died for our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to be devalued by anyone, but especially not by political factions.
- __ The present chaos and secrecy reveal the political factions’ corrupt motives.
- __ We must control our borders and immigration for an orderly society.
- __ Illegal immigration is not a solution to anything except subjugation.
- __ Every illegal alien crosses our border into a state. States need full authority to capture, hold, and prosecute like everyone else, with deportation an option. What our federal government is doing with illegal immigration under P46 is fatal to our USA.
- __ If labor shortages exist, every effort must be made to accommodate our citizens.
- __ Immigrants in our USA illegally must go back to their home country and get in the back of the line. And then be exceptional people to be considered for citizenship.
- __ It is offensive to WTP that the rule breakers are favored over those following the rules.
- __ Any person caught here illegally must never become a citizen, ever.
- __ There should be no benefits to being in the USA illegally – zero.
- __ Progressives in our political factions have failed WTP miserably by viewing illegal immigrants as future voters for them. That is a disgrace, and WTP have tolerated it too long. Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All are not hard to teach; just get the political factions out of the way.
- __ WTP categorically reject the notion that standing for the rule of law and standing for WTP in Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is somehow inhumane.