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Principle 1: Election Integrity __
Voter Malfeasance is proof of the total failure of our political factions to govern.
Our DOI/COTUS Guarantee
Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government . . . The “Republican Form of Government” means WTP own our elections and our government. Calling our USA a democracy forfeits WTP’s ownership of it to the “frightful despots” P1 warned us about. Never use the word ‘democracy’ with our USA.
It is time WTP reclaimed our birthright, starting with a demand for transparency and oversight access to every move our state election officers make, with zero exceptions. We can put people on the moon; we can create honest machines to count ballots.
P1 set 1: Voting as Political War __
- __ WTP’s WePEG theatre of war guarantees victory in 2024, our last war against political factions, which WTP must win.
- __ Our USA’s death spiral began in the early 1900s when our SCOTUS and our political faction representatives ignored both WTP’s DOI-Liberty and our COTUS-Liberty stated before Article I (the Preamble), as the founding Principles for our COTUS to exist. [The perfect example is the IRS mission creep from a 1% flat tax on a select group (1913), which should have applied to everyone under equal rights, to the leviathan today that is so large that the IRS itself does not know how to apply it. That is 100% political faction self-interest for power and plunder.]
- __ Progressivism was the catalyst to “fundamentally change America,” and it finally metastasized to the fatal change with P44. [WTP had ended racism in society, and P44 brought it back to life as a political weapon. P46 has proved beyond all doubt that Progressivism is a false flag for the subjugation of WTP and must be defeated in November at all costs.]
- __ Not a single Blue Faction representative should be elected at any level in November unless they see the light of Liberty, score high on WEPEG, and prove they mean it. [There may still be a few in the states.]
- __ Voting in November is war because our only hope is an overwhelming turnout of WTP for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All at the ballot box and throughout the voting process.
- __ The courts cannot save WTP because our political factions have never passed the laws needed to guarantee free and fair elections. Their refusal to allow full transparency in elections is a prima-facia case for their guilt. [There is a dim light of hope in federal law discussed in P1 set 2.]
- __ Election Integrity must be the battleground of WTP’s 2024 War for Independence to restore Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Progressive policies have not only failed but almost completely destroyed our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
- __ Fighting WTP’s 2024 War for Independence in the political faction theatre of war to regain WTP’s “right to consent” is futile because WTP are outgunned in their theatre.
- __ WTP’s war in 2024 must be fought in WTP’s theatre, where inviolate Principles, WePEG, are our WMD and cannot lose.
- __ Our USA is the only nation where elections shape the entire world; our USA’s enemies are all-in with unlimited funds against WTP in our 2024 war. The enemy’s Trojan Horse is the Blue Faction.
- __ For only one more election, ballots are WTP’s ammunition. If not successful, “politics by other means” (Carl von Clausewitz) is the only option.
- __ It is not enough to just vote in 2024: WTP must fight to the death against Election Malfeasance. Our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All are at stake. WTP must project our power today to get that done in November.
- __ Rallying behind WePEG is the only unifying flag WTP have to project power.
- __ WePEG wins all the so-called “social issues” with inviolate Principles of Life (the Life Group) that cannot be defeated in a fair election. [WePEG never uses “God says” as the argument. That is exactly what our founders created for everyone: His wisdom for everyone, not deity.]
- __ WTP’s immediate problem is that the Blue Faction controls too many ballots and courts. Voting is an individual choice, not to be coerced, stolen, or fabricated for political power.
- __ The enemy’s GL-PSYOP against Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is 99.9% responsible for all Election Malfeasance being buried and denied in the mainstream. [That is about to change.]
- __ Get rid of the enemy political factions, substitute WePEG, and Election Malfeasance will be eradicated.
- __ Every war WTP have ever fought had a deciding battle that turned the tide for WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. WTP’s 2024 election is today’s ‘crossing the Delaware,’ ‘the Battle of Gettysburg,’ and ‘Normandy Beach.’ WTP must stand and fight in huge numbers.
- __ WTP must give all we have to defeat the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in the Blue Faction. One million souls have died defending it so far; it is that valuable– full stop.
- __ WTP must be ready to do whatever it takes to win a lasting victory. That is our battle cry, not a grievance petition. Many of our representatives are the enemy of WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and must be voted out.
- __ In 2024, WTP must put all representatives working against WTP on the scrap heap of history regardless of political faction.
- __ With our governments and media all in against Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, WTP are short of time and must “pyramid” the message across our society for victory.
- __ Every ballot Principle presented here that is not incorporated before the 2024 election must be supervised and inspected for malfeasance by a “WTP army” of election process watchers.
- __ All conservative organizations should make Election Malfeasance their number one topic. Political factions’ cowardice in recognizing Election Malfeasance reveals that they are in it for the power and money, not a victory for WTP.
- __ WTP’s army must be massive in size and will be when WTP see the facts.
- __ WTP must start today loading our ballot ammunition with the WePEG Election Integrity Principles and draw the battle away from the political faction theatre of war.
P1 set 2: Ending Unfair Elections __
- __ WTP’s elections are in chaos because of the hunger for political faction power, the media GL-PSYOP, and too many moving parts to an election. With honest WePEG representatives and election officials, there is no Election Malfeasance – full stop.
- __ One huge problem is the GL-PSYOP the mainstream media is running by refusing to investigate and report Election Malfeasance.
- __ The free press was the last line of defense in our founding and if WTP do not have an active, truthful media, all is lost. WTP must spread the word ourselves, people to people.
- __ Any person who denies universal Blue State Election Malfeasance is willfully uninformed. Anyone will find it if they just look. [A good start is They have spent $millions of dollars analyzing 24 Blue State Voter rolls. is another group spending $millions of dollars to expose Election Malfeasance. WTP must open our eyes.]
- __ Election chaos is possible because there is no DOI/COTUS election foundation to stand on; our founders gave the states control of the election process. [That, combined with the right to take Life, is proof that WTP and our states are sovereign. Our federal government was designed only to protect the states and WTP, not own and control us.]
- __ The right to vote was not included in our original DOI/COTUS or the Bill of Rights. [Women did not get the Right to vote until the 19th Amendment in 1920. People are alive today who when they were born, women could not vote.]
- __ WTP ratified the 15th, 17th, 19th, and 26th Amendments to create voting Rights for those who were discriminated against in many states, but those amendments did nothing to clarify the election process for all WTP. Our founders gave the states control of the election process, and there is great variation across the states.
- __ The ONLY benefactor of Election Malfeasance is political factions robbing WTP of our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity For All. WTP must put them on the scrap heap of history. [November 5th, 2024, is our last chance to end political factions, or Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity For All will be lost forever.]
- __ While the states control election procedure, the goal should never change—free and fair elections for WTP, not political faction benefit. WePEG is the only solution.
- __ The 2020 and 2022 elections were ripe with Election Malfeasance (as was 2016), but no one knew how to fight it because WTP never dreamed elections could be so disrupted. The last two years of investigation revealed a volcano of Election Malfeasance about to explode.
- __ The Achilles heel for Election Malfeasance is that WTP’s states must certify all elections.
- __ The only strategy that can stop election malfeasance is to stop the certification of an unfair election. If enforced nationwide, WTP can overpower the malfeasance.
- __ The key is to file complaints when the malfeasance is found; it is too late to sue after an election, except to prove the malfeasance after it is too late. [Post-election remedies do not seem to exist, and that is the next job of WTP’s WePEG representatives.]
- __ There are two separate elections every two years: a federal and a state/local election, with very different laws, and that is our only solution. [The largest discovery of the last two years is that almost no one knew that in the Red Faction. They assumed state law was supreme in elections and never argued federal law in time.]
- __ The Blue Faction exploited the ignorance and the Red Faction is too late to the party. All the work is being done by WTP proving the Red Faction is not the solution or savior.
- __ Every election for the POTUS or members of Congress MUST follow federal law, which the states have totally ignored since intelligent machines were added to the process. If the two elections are run together, they MUST comply with federal law in EVERY aspect of the election. That is the law, and WTP must start pounding that drum non-stop.
- __ The fundamental federal law is the HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT (HAVA) PUBLIC LAW 107–252—OCT. 29, 2002. HAVA Article III spells out in black letter law standards for voting machines, voter roll accuracy, and election audits. HAVA can be downloaded from HAVA Article III is a must-read.
- __ Not a single voting or counting machine used today nor does any state voter roll comply with HAVA law standards, and at present, no federal election or joint election in our USA can be certified legally (nor ever could after HAVA—full stop).
- __ Every voting machine has proprietary software that cannot be examined, and every voting machine opened has had an illegal internet modem; every voting machine in use today is illegal for federal elections.
- __ It is also now proven that every machine can be hacked with nothing more than Windows software. Connectivity to the Internet is illegal– full stop. Yet all machines have it.
- __ Every Blue State machine’s ‘Cast Vote Report’ (CRV) reveals malfeasance in our elections. Failure to reveal the CRVs violates federal election audit laws. [Blue state election officials are fighting hard to prevent the CRVs from being inspected. Why? It convicts them.]
- __ HAVA restricts the voter roll error rate to 1 in 10,000,000 ballot positions. If a ballot has 80 marks, that is 1/125,000 = .0008%. That is miniscule. For example, Illinois is legally allowed by HAVA to have less than 45 errors in its voter roll, yet it has 589,985 entries with errors.
- __ Corrupted voter roll entries are used to add false ballots to the system.
- __ The issue is not just the lack of compliance with HAVA; it is the mountain of evidence that the machines and voter rolls are manipulated to secure Blue Faction victories.
- __ WTP MUST make election integrity an issue for every candidate in 2024, or Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All will be lost forever– full stop.
- __ Voter roll and voting machine malfeasance have already been proven to be against federal law beyond a reasonable doubt, and every state that violates federal election law might be sued for a “cease and desist” order immediately.
- __ Here is the rub— WTP’s damages are in our COTUS, not our few laws. Interfering with a citizen’s right to choose WTP’s representatives is a violation of WTP’s civil rights. A right without a remedy is not a right, so WTP must engage in huge numbers to remove representatives who fail to protect our right to choose our representatives.
- __ HAVA only gives the US Secretary of State the right to enforce election malfeasance in federal court. There is no greater condemnation of political faction power than Blue Faction loyal attorney generals refusing to enforce federal election law. That is the norm today.
- __ HAVA also requires each state to establish an election grievance procedure. But that is for injured voters, not system malfeasance. [All WTP can do is file grievances with a state election official; there is no clear path to the courts. Again, political faction power is supreme against WTP. The only answer is a massive WTP army with WePEG, creating an unbeatable force for honest elections, and then adding the laws needed to protect WTP, not political factions.]
P1 set 3: Free, Fair, Honest, and Accurate Elections __
- __ Our governments start with WTP electing our representatives to manage our governments.
- __ If WTP do not get the representatives we voted for, a death spiral starts, which is now obvious. [The only reason to cheat in elections is to circumvent the people’s will for political faction power and plunder.]
- __ Honest elections require honest representatives, honest election workers, and transparency to verify everything. Federal law requires a complete audit process to be conducted and made public. All Blue States refuse to follow that law.
- __ The county election officer should be elected by WTP; they must answer to WTP.
- __ Every state must do everything possible to “malfeasance-proof” elections using best practices in WTP’s voter rolls, ballots, election tasks, and ballot counting.
- __ Elections must be protected because they can be easily corrupted. WTP’s election officials must be proactive; it is too late after the election.
- __ With honest state and local representatives loyal to our DOI/COTUS/WePEG Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, there will be no large-scale Election Malfeasance.
- __ With verified honest voter rolls, a voter ID number, every ballot accounted for, and transparency in everything WTP’s election officials do, starting with making the morning coffee, there can be no large-scale Election Malfeasance.
- __ Federal election law is completely ignored in Blue states and cities, and WTP must demand that ALL voting procedures comply with federal law before the November 2024 election—full stop.
- __ Any representative who does not get behind Election Integrity with full transparency cannot get a single vote from WTP.
- __ WTP own our elections, as stated in the above DOI/COTUS Guarantee, and WTP have the right to oversee every step, and we must use that right to survive.
- __ Today, WTP’s Blue Faction-owned government is doing everything possible to neuter WTP’s DOI right to consent and provide free and fair elections.
- __ Election Integrity is WTP’s #1 mission in 2024, and all WTP must join the fight.
- __ Counties have enormous power over elections and WTP have the most power over our local counties; WTP must exercise that power by every means possible.
- __ The mainstream media have successfully but falsely discredited and buried the political factions’ Election Malfeasance.
- __ Political factions are the only defenders of Election Malfeasance, and they refuse transparency. There is a prima facia case for the malfeasance; WTP are turning over the rocks and exposing it.
- __ WTP must seek the TRUTH with all the evidence on the table in an open forum. Election Malfeasance has been assumed for the past decade or two because most WTP do not vote for our own destruction.
- __ Any citizen denying the hard evidence of election malfeasance is intentionally living in a bubble, likely afraid the false truth in the Blue Faction they have supported for generations is blowing up our greatest nation on earth right before their eyes.
- __ WTP’s lives are at stake in every election, and the damage and danger of Election Malfeasance are enormous.
- __ Election Malfeasance is the number one reason WTP must put political factions on the scrap heap of history; they are the only benefactor of it.
- __ Free, fair, and honest elections are mandatory, not optional, but only WTP can ensure they are delivered; political factions have zero interest in eliminating Election Malfeasance.
- __ All states must implement the harshest penalties for malfeasance possible; that must be an election promise for every candidate to get WTP’s vote.
- __ WTP must hold every candidate accountable for election Integrity support and post their WePEG score on their website.
- __ WTP must start working today with WePEG to accomplish that.
P1 set 4: Voting Districts __
- __ Political factions are not mentioned in our DOI/COTUS and have zero enumerated election rights. Yet they, not WTP, control congressional and state assembly districts. Removing political factions requires a change in districting based on city borders. Cities and towns are where WTP live, not voting districts.
- __ The next census is six years away, but steps must be taken for WTP to take control of redistricting. Until then, WTP must elect WePEG candidates.
- __ County governing boards should group cities and towns by population and divide as few cities as possible. WePEG representatives will efficiently resolve county overlaps.
- __ There is zero reason for a state to fund partisan election primaries, and many DOI/COTUS reasons not to because political factions complicate free and fair elections.
- __ Political factions have copyright and property law protection of their name. They can control who joins their faction and carries their flag.
- __ The Red Faction has never enforced that Right because political faction power has been allowed to enter into WTP’s elections and Congressional procedure rules, and they pushed out WTP as their focus. [At the most, WTP only have true representation in the small (but growing) Liberty caucus.]
- __ WePEG restores WTP’s right to consent and re-connect our representatives to our districts.
- __ If political factions want to have their own process for deciding who can run for office with their faction name endorsement, they are free to do so as they see fit.
- __ WTP are also free to ignore political factions and elect WePEG candidates. Political factions add nothing to WTP’s Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All; they have destroyed it.
- __ Any candidate who does not endorse WePEG is no one WTP can trust or tolerate to represent WTP.
- __ With WePEG adopted and political factions on the scrap heap, elections will be honest, local, and very simple.
- __ The only reason Election Malfeasance exists is political factions.
- __ Elections are serious business, and candidates should be principled and accomplished people who can easily demonstrate it to WTP.
- __ Millions of dollars and personal destruction become a thing of the past with WePEG and without political factions.
- __ When candidates publish their WePEG scores and resumes, they should create a blog where they speak for themselves, and WTP will ignore all the other advertising that consumes money against the best interests of WTP. When WTP set free our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All, our USA will prosper like never before.
P1 set 5: Citizen Voting __
- __ Our founders never envisioned political faction power over WTP and never envisioned a political faction actually destroying everything a million patriots have died for: Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity For All. [Our founders could control their political factions because they hated them. That was when political factions were small; they are no longer frightful; they are ‘terrifying.’]
- __ Our DOI/COTUS gave the states the right to control the election process. Amendments have been added only to end discrimination in voting rights. [Stop and think about federal vs. state power in our founding. The states fought with all they had to maintain their independent sovereignty, and nothing emphasized that more than controlling who could vote and take Life in justice.]
- __ Our federal government was designed to protect the states from larger enemies and interstate crimes, not to homogenize WTP into a state of uniform equity to be ruled as the Blue Faction has accomplished with Progressivism, the alternative to Liberty, justice, and Prosperity for all.
- __ But once installed, it is very difficult to overthrow in the courts because our courts have lost Liberty as the reason for our DOI/COTUS.
- __ WTP’s biggest problem is not who can vote; it is who to vote for – political faction tyrants or Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity For All, i.e., WePEG candidates who represent WTP’s best interest.
- __ The Blue Faction policies are so unpopular, less than 35%, that they cannot possibly win an election fairly. WTP must demand that the rule of election law be enforced, and it will still take a massive effort to succeed.
- __ Only citizens of our USA have the right to vote in federal elections as enumerated in 1996 US Code Title 18 – CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE PART I – CRIMES CHAPTER 29 – ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Sec. 611 – Voting by aliens. Non-citizen residents, legal or illegal, cannot vote for POTUS or Congress– full stop.
- __ If states allow non-citizen residents to vote, they must have two separate voting systems from start to finish to comply with federal law. [Blue states and cities simply ignore federal election law, and WTP must take a stand large enough to shame election officials into compliance or stop certification of the election.]
- __ Three states allow non-citizen voting in state elections: CA, MD, and VT. Seven disallow it: AZ, CO, ND, OH, LA, FL, and AL. Three states have it on the ballot in Nov.: WI, IO, and KY.
- __ If non-citizens are in the voter rolls, that voter roll cannot be used in federal elections– full stop. [And yet, the Blue Faction just ignores the law. WTP must take a stand against the lawlessness.]
- __ Election officials must add the city, county, and state where a person was born to the voter registration form and validate it—full stop.
- __ Political faction open borders have created a voting crisis for WTP and our USA with perhaps 20 million potential fraudulent voters.
- __ Anyone facilitating a non-citizen to vote in a federal election, especially within the election officials, must be severely punished. It is an attempt to overthrow WTP’s righteous government.
- __ Almost every person alive today in our USA has a birth registration. Our election officials must take steps to validate citizenship for federal elections, but they do nothing as if citizenship is the one thing that WTP may not defend. That is suicide.
P1 set 6: Voter Rolls (the database) __
- __ Everything in voting starts with voter registration and the voter rolls. ‘One legal voter, one legal vote’ is the first control against election malfeasance. Therefore, the voter roll must be accurate, and HAVA requires it to be within 99.02% accurate. The USA average is 88%.
- __ That means the state election offices must work very hard to obey the law. HAVA is not a suggestion; WTP are facing a level of political faction arrogance and lawlessness that WTP must defeat in November, or all is lost.
- __ Every state must have a separate voter roll for non-citizens. HAVA does not allow for any other option.
- __ The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) was the beginning of the end of accurate voter rolls. It is also known as the ‘Motor Voter Law’ and expressly applies to federal elections in the 44 states that have voter registration requirements. ID, MN, NH, ND, WI, and WY have no registration restrictions and are exempt from NVRA. That illustrates the state sovereignty in holding elections.
- __ NVRA requires that state DMV applications, both driver’s license and ID, automatically become a new voter registration or a change in voter registration automatically, IF the registration section is signed. NVRA also requires all changes of address to be sent to the voter roll managers.
- __ Today, NRVA is intentional election chaos; there is no other description. Why? Because there is no synergy between the DMV and the voter roll. No one is in charge of the DMV registration exercise, and no one is in charge of what is received at the voter roll.
- __ All voters must have an entry in the voter roll database to receive a ballot.
- __ All malfeasance starts with the voter roll; it must be correct at all costs.
- __ There is no excuse for corrupt, outdated, or fluid voter databases except malfeasance.
- __ Every state and county must reveal and monitor the voter roll management process.
- __ Monitoring the voter roll process is new and a work in progress. Election officials must open the process for review.
- __ Step one is that every county must include a data analysis expert to enforce voter roll integrity.
- __ A real-time reporting system for daily numeric and source changes in the voter roll must become public information, and abnormal changes must be investigated.
- __ Voter roll databases are enormous electronic files and must be accessible to oversight; credentialed database analyst experts must be allowed free access to the database by appointment for defined examinations and oversight suggestions.
- __ Expert examination audits are collaborative and more accurate than giving a copy of the database to others for oversight. That database is obsolete the next day.
- __ With voter and ballot ID numbers, the election officials can enforce one voter-one ballot with a chain of custody.
- __ All states have a “resident database” called the DMV, which is legally required to be as accurate as possible.
- __ The DMV database is harder to hack than a standalone voter database.
- __ Driving autos exposes everyone to damage, liability, or death, and addresses must be accurate for several reasons.
- __ DMVs also issue the non-driving IDs used in every aspect of life.
- __ The DMV database must be the source for all voter rolls. It is absurd to have a separate ID and ballot database.
- __ Existing voter rolls should all be from or compared with the DMV database.
- __ Driver’s licenses are kept up to date in regular daily use and renewal, including death notices.
- __ Voter rolls have no natural forces to help keep them accurate, and they have been infiltrated by the enemies of WTP with little transparency or oversight, especially when political factions control the process, not WTP.
- __ DMV’s automatically register to vote for people applying for a license or ID.
- __ There is zero reason the DMV database cannot also be the voter roll with an “eligible to vote field.”
- __ The “eligible to vote” field is easily connected to other government databases, especially address changes, death rolls, and processed illegals, and would reveal ineligibility to vote.
- __ Independent voter rolls make no sense except for malfeasance.
P1 set 7: Malfeasance Alert!!! __
- __ Progressive policies are losing as much as 20% or more of their traditional voting bloc.
- __ The traditional malfeasance plus the current losses are a massive exercise requiring massive new entries to the voter rolls, which can only come from illegal immigrant names on the voter rolls.
- __ WTP’s election officials must keep the recent eight million or more illegal names from WTP’s voter rolls at all costs.
- __ Recent activist efforts have found most of the dead people and the “moved out of district” that still vote; a significant new source of names is needed.
- __ Now pay attention. State-issued driver’s licenses and IDs for illegals are valid in all 50 states, with no exceptions.
- __ States that issue standard driver licenses and IDs to non-citizens, especially the new illegal ones, are issuing “federal election malfeasance passes” that are valid in every state.
- __ Our USA has done an amazing job of giving millions of illegals a phone and “process papers” that identify them, supposedly, at least in our immigration court systems.
- __ That data must be released to an oversight group, and strategies must be found to stop illegals from being added to our voter rolls, especially through our DMVs.
- __ Our DMV issues “voter malfeasance passes” to non-citizens, especially new ones, and must be audited by Congress and WTP for exactly how our election officials protect our voter rolls from that invasion and pass severe penalties for the registering of people here illegally.
- __ Please understand the massive effort that has gone into processing eight or more million illegal new residents over the last three years. One faction is already launching their malfeasance for 2024.
- __ WTP and the House of Representatives have at most, a few months to figure out how to keep illegals off WTP’s voter rolls.
- __ Nothing, repeat, nothing, is more critical to WTP; we are at war for our One Nation Under God in the 2024 election.